cause-related marketing

How Cause-Related Marketing Helps Apparel Brands Sell to Millennials

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Have you ever noticed how apparel brands seem to be speaking your language lately?

It’s no secret that millennials have become a force to be reckoned with in the consumer landscape. Clothing companies have been quick to catch on, employing some savvy tactics to connect with this influential demographic.

Cause-related marketing is one of the tactics that has been making waves lately. This approach uses a brand’s platform to spread positive messages and support causes that resonate with consumers. Think of it as a powerful alliance between fashion and social impact.

Picture this:

Your favorite apparel company partners with organizations dedicated to social justice, channeling their collective influence to raise awareness, drive change, and make a real difference in the world. It’s a win-win situation. Not only does the brand capture your attention, but it also demonstrates its commitment to the issues you care deeply about.

91% of millennials prefer brands associated with a good cause. When marketing to the millennial demographic, it pays to do good in the world.

If you’d consider launching a cause-related marketing campaign for your brand, keep reading—because we’re going to share some helpful insights and examples of apparel brands that have done it successfully.

Examples of Successful Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns From Apparel Brands

Before we talk strategy, here are a few examples to help you understand the impact cause-related marketing can create:


TOMS’ “One for One®”

TOMS made a bold promise—to donate a pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair of shoes they sold. This campaign struck a chord because it merged a social cause with a for-profit business model, proving that doing good can go hand in hand with being successful.

Customers went wild for it, and who could blame them? People yearned to contribute to a cause beyond just purchasing a product, and TOMS delivered that opportunity on a silver platter. Their social media savvy customers spread the word online and ignited a wave of awareness.

But TOMS didn’t stop there. They knew how to take social media engagement to the next level. They created the “One Day Without Shoes” campaign in which they urged customers to snap photos of their bare feet and share them online. It was a playful way to raise awareness and get people talking.

As the campaign gained momentum, TOMS expanded its reach by extending its support to other causes close to their customers’ hearts. They tackled issues like water scarcity, birth complications, and anti-bullying initiatives. By broadening their impact, TOMS made a lasting impression on the world.


Gap’s “Gap For Good”

Let’s talk about Gap’s game-changing campaign, “Gap For Good,” which hit the scene back in 2017. This campaign was all about blending style with sustainability and social responsibility, and boy, did it make waves!

Gap called upon its customers to declutter their closets and bring their used clothing to Gap stores for recycling. It was a win-win situation, really. Customers got to do their part in reducing waste and giving their old clothes a new lease on life, while Gap showed its commitment to sustainability and making a positive impact.

But why was “Gap For Good” such a hit? Well, it all boils down to knowing your audience. Gap understood that their target market, those environmentally conscious and socially responsible folks, were itching for ways to align their fashion choices with their values. And “Gap For Good” delivered exactly that—a chance to be stylish and make a difference.

Gap didn’t tackle this mission alone, either. They teamed up with Goodwill, a trusted partner in the world of recycling and reuse, to support the Donate Movement, an initiative that educates people on why donating is good for people and the planet. This collaboration was a key ingredient in building trust with customers, showing them that Gap’s commitment to sustainability wasn’t just a baseless claim—it was a tangible reality.

Positive press coverage helped spread the word far and wide, reinforcing Gap’s image as a brand that truly cares about the planet and its people.


Everlane’s “Black Friday Fund”

Everlane, known for their commitment to transparency and sustainability, decided to flip the script on the retail frenzy of Black Friday. Instead of solely focusing on sales and profits, they pledged to donate a portion of their Black Friday earnings to a specific cause they chose for that year. Talk about shopping with a purpose!

For example, in 2019 Everlane partnered with the mighty Oceana to fund their valiant campaigns against single-use plastic. Everlane pledged to contribute $10 for every order placed on Black Friday, with a cap at a whopping $300,000.

Everlane’s commitment to transparency and sustainability resonated deeply with their customers. Shoppers were eager to be part of a movement that went beyond fashion, making an impact on the world around them.

Over the years, the Everlane Black Friday Fund has become a staple of the company’s marketing strategy, raising over $1 million for various causes. It’s more than just a one-off event—it’s a powerful movement that has become synonymous with Everlane’s mission and values.

Partner with Scrappy Apparel to Turn Your First-Time Customers into Repeat Buyers.

At Scrappy Apparel, we’ve cracked the code to turn first-time customers into die-hard brand enthusiasts.

We handpick our garments to ensure they are silk soft, durable, and ready to wear. Our rigorous standards ensure that only the highest quality products make it to our customers. When you order from us, you can rest assured that you’re getting the best in the market.

We also offer lightning-fast turnaround times without compromising on quality. We don’t believe in giving excuses—we believe in delivering outstanding results.

At Scrappy, we understand that building a loyal customer base goes beyond delivering great products. That’s why we offer top-tier services that meet all your custom apparel needs. In addition to our core turnkey apparel solutions and high-volume apparel solutions, we offer 3PL fulfillment solutions so you can guarantee fast and reliable deliveries to your customers.

If you ever need help, we have a rockstar customer support team who will be happy to answer any questions you have. No soulless chatbots or endless loops of “Please hold.”

Scrappy Apparel has everything you need to scale your apparel business to infinity and beyond.

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outdoor clothing brands

How Outdoor Clothing Brands Build Connection Through Brand Storytelling

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Have you ever wondered why some outdoor clothing brands seem to have a cult following?

Why are people willing to pay premium prices for their products, even when there are cheaper alternatives available?And how do these brands stay top-of-mind when seasonal trends come and go?

The answer lies in their brand storytelling.

Outdoor clothing brands are masters at using storytelling to build emotional connections with their customers, creating a sense of shared values and experiences.

Today, we’ll check out a few examples of outdoor clothing brands that have successfully used storytelling to grow their empires:

We’ll also discuss how you can use the same techniques to create a powerful brand story for your own clothing line. Let’s dive in!

Why is Brand Storytelling So Effective?

Brand storytelling is all about making a deep emotional connection between the customer and the product. For outdoor clothing brands, this means using stories to show why their products are special and how they can give you an experience unlike anything else out there.

This is especially important for companies that cater to niche markets like outdoor sports enthusiasts. By sharing stories of adventure and exploration, these brands can create a whole world for their customers to immerse themselves in. This helps them feel like they’re a part of the brand and its values.

But brand storytelling is about more than just marketing—it’s about creating relationships between people. When a brand story resonates with someone, it becomes a part of their identity. It gives them a sense of belonging and connection to something greater than themselves.

Powerful Brand Storytelling Examples

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s take a look at some examples of outdoor clothing brands that have used storytelling to attract customers.


Patagonia is insanely good at using storytelling to create a strong connection with their audience. They tell stories about people rather than just talking about their products. The brand has a dedicated section on their website called Patagonia Stories which features films, articles, and podcasts about outdoor sports, activism, and environmental work.

Patagonia Stories

One of the reasons their brand storytelling works so well is because of their authenticity. Patagonia really cares about their values and beliefs—and it shows. They use brand ambassadors to engage with their audience and share beautiful images of the outdoors.

Patagonia’s approach to brand storytelling is really focused on being authentic, purposeful, and engaging. Their commitment to sustainability attracts environmentally conscious customers who are willing to pay extra to support a brand that takes steps to reduce its footprint.

The North Face

The North Face tells a story that revolves around exploration and pushing limits. Just think about their name—inspired by the toughest side of a mountain—and how they’ve helped adventurers conquer the highest peaks of the Himalayas.

One of their recent campaigns called It’s More Than A Jacket is all about honoring their 55 years of adventure. They asked explorers from around the world to share their stories and images of their well-loved North Face products—using the hashtag #MoreThanAJacket on social media, of course.

Another example of their brand storytelling is a film called The North Face Presents: Beyond the Summit. It follows the incredible journey of Kit DesLauriers, who became the first person to ski the Seven Summits. The film dives into her quest to find a deeper purpose after accomplishing such a fantastic feat.

The North Face also goes on tours across major European cities, bringing authentic tales of exploration to life. They want to give their brand a genuine talking point and engage with their audience on a personal level.

The North Face uses brand storytelling to inspire their audience with stories of exploration, boundary-pushing, and remarkable achievements. By showcasing real people who embody these values, they create an emotional connection that motivates their audience to embark on their own adventures.

Columbia Sportswear

Columbia Sportswear knows how to tell a great brand story, and it’s evident in various aspects of the company. They have a section on their website dedicated to feature stories that cover a wide range of topics, engaging customers and fostering brand loyalty.

columbia sportswear feature stories

In the digital realm, Columbia Sportswear has made strategic investments to establish a strong online presence across multiple platforms. They recognize the significance of the digital space as a channel for effective brand storytelling.

In an SGB Media feature, Columbia Sportswear’s CEO described the brand as “humble, accessible, and democratic.” This positioning emphasizes inclusivity and accessibility, which are powerful themes in brand storytelling.

Their One Tough Mother campaign exemplifies their brand storytelling prowess. Featuring Gert Boyle, former Chairwoman of the company, the campaign highlights her strength and resilience in building Columbia Sportswear.

Columbia Sportswear’s wholesale emphasis is also part of their brand storytelling strategy. By working with smaller specialty stores and emphasizing their balanced approach to men’s and women’s products, they convey a story of accessibility and inclusivity that resonates with their customers.

Through these efforts, Columbia builds a strong and meaningful connection with their audience.

How to Craft a Compelling Brand Story

By understanding the principles of effective brand storytelling, you can create content that resonates with your audience. Here are some tips to help you craft an engaging story:

  • Focus on Emotions: Your story should evoke emotions and have a powerful impact on your audience.
  • Establish Brand Values: Outline what makes your brand unique and how it stands out from the competition.
  • Keep It Simple: Don’t get too complicated with your storytelling. Keep it simple and straightforward.
  • Include Visuals: Make sure to include visuals or videos to make your content more engaging.
  • Showcase Real People: Highlight real people who embody your brand values and capture their stories.
  • Analyze Your Results: Monitor the success of your campaigns by tracking metrics such as engagement, website visits, and conversions.

Brand storytelling is an effective way to engage customers and foster loyalty, and it should be an integral part of any company’s marketing strategy. By using compelling stories to convey your brand values, you can create meaningful connections with your audience that will last a lifetime.

Ready to Scale Your Brand with Luxury-Level Apparel Manufacturing?

At Scrappy Apparel, our turnkey apparel solutions and high-volume apparel solutions are designed to help you scale your brand with seamless, reliable production practices.

Our turnkey apparel solutions are perfect for brands that need low MOQs, while our high-volume apparel solutions are ideal for brands looking to produce on a larger scale.

We also offer cut-and-sew manufacturing and private labeling services to help you create unique pieces that are 100% on-brand. All of our production processes are transparent, and our team is committed to providing you with the best possible customer experience.

Let us help you bring your brand story to life and create apparel your customers will love.

Ready to Begin Your Project?

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mental health apparel

Breaking the Stigma: How Mental Health Apparel is Changing the Conversation

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In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, it’s time to reflect on the progress we’ve made as a society to break the stigma surrounding mental health.

As more individuals—including prominent figures like celebrities and influencers—openly share their personal experiences with mental health challenges, the conversation has become increasingly destigmatized.

This rise of mental health apparel in recent years has also provided more momentum to the movement.Today, we’ll examine the growing popularity of mental health apparel, especially among younger generations.

We’ll also examine its possibilities for encouraging mental health dialogue, as well as strategies for making these items even more successful at raising awareness.

The Rise of Mental Health Apparel

In recent years, there’s been a notable increase in the sale of apparel specifically tailored to mental health topics.

This surge can be attributed to both a growing movement to actively engage in conversations that challenge societal stigmas, and the desire to promote mental health and overall wellness. In fact, in 2021 McKinsey estimated the global wellness market had reached over $1.5 trillion, with annual growth between 5-10%.

It seems that younger generations, in particular, are driving this trend. In 2022, around 70% of millennial and Gen Z consumers surveyed in the US and the UK indicated that they were likely to buy products focused on mental health and wellness.

The rise of mental health apparel has also been closely linked to the growing number of celebrities and influencers who openly discuss their struggles with mental health.

By sharing their experiences, these public figures have helped destigmatize and even normalize conversations around mental health challenges, further encouraging their fans and followers to join the movement.

Given younger generations’ heightened exposure to social media and celebrity influence, clothing featuring supportive messages, symbols, and designs has also emerged as a popular way to express solidarity in promoting mental health.

The Potential Benefits of Mental Health Apparel

Mental health apparel can help raise awareness and destigmatize mental health issues by:

Encouraging Conversations

Wearing mental health-themed clothing can act as a conversation starter, prompting discussions about personal challenges and experiences.

By openly displaying supportive messages and designs, individuals invite others to engage in meaningful dialogue to foster understanding and empathy.

Promoting Self-Expression

Mental health apparel also allows individuals to creatively share their stories and openly express their emotions and experiences.

Fostering a Sense of Community

By wearing mental health apparel, individuals signal both their commitment to breaking the stigma and their support for those affected by mental health challenges.

This shared mission can help create a sense of belonging and camaraderie among those who may otherwise feel isolated or misunderstood.

Raising Awareness and Funds

Another upside of mental health apparel is that it often supports charitable initiatives and non-profit organizations dedicated to providing mental health resources and services.

Consumers can help raise funds and increase visibility for these causes by purchasing and wearing these products.

Strategies for Success

Creating effective and impactful mental health apparel requires thoughtful planning and execution. But if done right, the benefits can be enormous.


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For example, Mental Health America’s IDONTMIND campaign has raised over $500,000 for mental health organizations since launching in 2017.

As one of our incredible customers, IDONTMIND has continuously used custom apparel that promotes mental health awareness to further its cause.

Read more about our collaboration in our interview with Eddie, Co-Founder of IDONTMIND.

Here are some specific strategies your brand can also adopt for success:

Partner with Mental Health Organizations

Collaborating with reputable mental health organizations or advocacy groups can ensure that your messaging is accurate, sensitive, and supportive. These partnerships also lend credibility to your brand and further demonstrate your commitment to making a positive impact on mental health awareness.

Use Inclusive or Identifiable Messaging

Adopt inclusive or identifiable language and imagery to ensure your apparel appeals to a diverse audience. For instance, IDONTMIND intentionally used the phrase “I Don’t Mind” on their shirts to prompt questions and conversations.

Using thoughtful messaging ensures that products both resonate with a broad range of individuals and open the door for deeper conversations about mental health.

Prioritize Quality

Durable, high-quality products are more likely to be well-received by consumers. By investing in better production practices, you demonstrate your business’ commitment to its customers and community.

Leverage Social Media and Your Local Community

Use social media platforms to showcase your mental health apparel, share stories, and engage with your customers. You can also partner with other local organizations and community members to amplify your message and reach a wider audience.

Measure Impact and Gather Feedback

Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of your mental health apparel by gathering feedback from customers and tracking sales data.

This information can help you refine your products, messaging, and marketing strategies to maximize your impact on promoting mental health awareness.

Choose the Right Manufacturing Partner

Collaborate with a reliable manufacturing partner, such as Scrappy Apparel, to ensure high-quality products and timely delivery. This frees up time for you to focus on promoting awareness and supporting mental health initiatives.

Start a Movement with Custom Apparel

As demonstrated through the success of the IDONTMIND campaign, custom apparel has emerged as a powerful tool in breaking the stigma and changing the conversation around mental health.

By encouraging open dialogue, promoting self-expression, and fostering a sense of community, clothing can play a huge part in breaking down barriers and destigmatizing mental health challenges.

Breaking the stigma around mental health is a powerful movement, and your brand can be part of this change. But to create impactful mental health apparel, you’ll need a reliable and experienced manufacturing partner.

That’s where Scrappy Apparel comes into play. We’re dedicated to helping your business create luxury-level clothing with our turnkey and high-volume apparel solutions. We even offer a private labeling program so you can take true ownership of the apparel with your brand name and logo on it.

Ready to Work With Scrappy Apparel to Amplify Your Message?

Let’s work together to create impactful apparel and make a positive change in the world, one garment at a time!

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star wars merchandise empire

The Force Behind the Star Wars Merchandise Empire

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May the Fourth be with you! As Star Wars fans around the world celebrate the unofficial holiday of Star Wars Day, it’s clear that the iconic franchise has a cult-like following that spans generations.

With 11 feature films, several animated series, and countless books and comics, Star Wars has become a phenomenon that is ingrained in popular culture.

Beyond its compelling storyline, the franchise has also built a massive apparel empire that has taken the fashion world by storm. From t-shirts to socks and sweatshirts, Star Wars-inspired clothing has become a staple in pop culture fashion.

Let’s analyze the powerful strategies that propelled the Star Wars apparel business to new heights.

The Success of Star Wars Merchandise

According to a 2015 article by Vox, the Star Wars franchise generated over $32 billion in revenue in the 38 years prior. A sizable chunk of those earnings came from merchandise sales.

The Walt Disney Company, of course, is one of the largest vendors of Star Wars products. Disney acquired Lucasfilm, the company behind Star Wars, in 2012 for $4 billion.

Hasbro has also renewed its relationship with Lucasfilm, extending its Star Wars license and tacking on a new deal for the Indiana Jones franchise. Other companies such as Electronic Arts and Galoob Toys have also made big money from Star Wars due to full-circle branding and promotional efforts that accompany major movie releases.

With so much success, it is no wonder why so many companies are eager to get involved with the Star Wars franchise.

lego star wars

The LEGO Star Wars Empire

For over two decades, the partnership between LEGO and Star Wars has been a resounding success. Since 1999, when the two companies first teamed up to bring the Star Wars galaxy to life, they have created over 74 sets of LEGO Star Wars products that have become beloved by fans all over the world.

This collaboration has also helped increase the popularity of Star Wars clothing and merchandise, as well as to introduce a new generation of fans to the franchise.

Apparel is part of the LEGO x Star Wars equation, too. There are clothing and accessories available for purchase via major retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, and Target.

star wars video game apparel

Star Wars Video Games

Star Wars video games have been a major success since the first game was released in 1982. Since then, there have been numerous titles released across multiple platforms and genres, from action-adventure to role-playing games.

One of the most iconic Star Wars games ever released is Star Wars Battlefront II, which was praised for its graphics and gameplay when it was initially released. The Lego Star Wars series has also been a major success, with six titles released since 2005. The Lego Star Wars games are known for their humorous take on the Star Wars universe and their fun gameplay.

Most Star Wars video games have proved to be extremely successful. The success of Star Wars video games has only grown over time and continues to be an important part of the franchise’s legacy.

It seems that nearly every vertical of the Star Wars business model folds apparel into its strategy. Today, you can buy video game inspired Star Wars apparel at Gamestop and other retailers.

The Importance of Striking While the Iron is Hot

The Star Wars merchandise empire has been incredibly successful, and a large part of that is due to its ability to capitalize on the attention surrounding movie releases.

When a new Star Wars movie comes out, fans rush to buy merchandise related to the film, creating an opportunity for the empire to make sales.

By striking while the iron was hot and quickly releasing lots of merchandise, they were able to take advantage of the hype surrounding each release and generate lots of additional revenue.

Andy Warhol once said: “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” This has become increasingly true as everyone’s attention spans have become shorter and shorter. Therefore, it’s more important than ever to capitalize on hype quickly.

star wars

May the Style Be With You

Selling branded clothing is an excellent way to not only make money but also raise awareness for your brand and give your fans something great to enjoy.

Through custom apparel with your logo or slogan, you can create something truly unique that customers will recognize and remember. Not only does selling branded clothing help spread the word about what you have to offer, it can be a fantastic way to raise revenue for your business.

Get Light Years Ahead of Your Competitors with Cutting-Edge Manufacturing and Fulfillment Solutions

Scrappy Apparel produces clothing to the highest standards, using only premium materials with top-notch printing processes.

We offer turnkey apparel solutions for brands that are just starting out and need low MOQs. On the flip side, our high-volume apparel solutions are optimized for brands that are ready to majorly scale up and need a reliable manufacturing partner they’ll never outgrow.

There’s more than one way to partner with us, too. If you need help with inventory management and fulfillment, our 3PL program will take those tasks off your plate so you can focus on growing your business.

If you’re looking for custom apparel manufacturing services that will help you stand out from the crowd, Scrappy Apparel is the best choice. Request your free quote today to strike back against boring fashion!

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