simulated process printing

Should You Use CMYK or Simulated Process Printing?

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If you want to learn how to get custom apparel that is vibrant, durable, and soft-to-the-touch, you’re in the right place—the Scrappy Apparel website, of course. We’re about to dive deep into two of the most common approaches to printing: CMYK and simulated process.

You only get the best when you work with the best. (Wink wink.) But for real, we prioritize quality above all, and that means choosing a printing process that will yield the best results.

CMYK and simulated process printing are two commonly used approaches. We’re going to discuss the pros and cons and ins and outs of these two popular printing processes.

Once you’ve become a full-on expert on both printing processes, you can make an educated guess on which one will fit your needs better.

Spoiler alert: both work, but one process is going to offer you a much better print overall.

What is CMYK printing?

CMYK sounds pretty familiar, doesn’t it?

Let’s jog your memory. Have you ever had to buy the color cartridge for your printer at home and the cartridge box shows three colors: blue, pink, and yellow? That’s CMYK.

CMYK stands for cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black)—the four colors of ink used in traditional color printing.

These four colors make up the basis for almost all color printing. That’s because it uses a subtractive color model, meaning that the colors are combined to create the hues you see on paper.

The same is true for custom apparel. The colors are combined—or overlaid on top of one another—to create the final design. The fabric absorbs the ink, which is then cured with heat to set the design, and your garment is good to go.

cmyk printing

The pros and cons of CMYK printing

Now that we’re all aware of what CMYK means and how it works, let’s get down to the pros and cons of using this color printing process.

You’d think this popular printing process would have more pros, but that’s not always the case. Here are some factors to consider before you decide whether CMYK is right for your custom apparel:

Pros of CMYK

  • It can be cost-effective.
  • It produces a smooth printed image.
  • This printing process can be used with multiple types of inks.

Cons of CMYK

  • The image might not look precise when you take a very close look.
  • A very detailed image won’t look its best once printed.
  • Some colors can’t be printed correctly.

Ultimately, CMYK is a decent choice, but it probably isn’t ideal for complex images with tons of colors.

What is simulated process printing?

No, we aren’t living in a simulation. Well, at least we hope not. But we’re definitely living for simulated process printing.

Simulated process printing is a technique in which you can create many colors from just a few screens. Instead of producing only one color per screen, simulated process printing utilizes halftones and gradients to offer a wider range of colors on the finished print.

Simulated process screen printing is a great way to create custom apparel because it allows for any design or image to be printed onto the fabric. This printing process is also very versatile, and it can be used on a variety of different fabrics.

Personally, we think this is a perfect choice for anyone looking for top-of-the-line, precise prints. With its many advantages, it’s no wonder that simulated process printing is becoming more popular.

The pros and cons of simulated process printing

To make this a fair comparison to CMYK, we must show you the advantages and disadvantages of choosing simulated process printing. Let’s take a look:

Pros of simulated process printing

  • It’s great for photorealistic designs.
  • It works well for designs that require more than one or two colors.
  • It’s more accurate, so your prints will be sharper and more precise.
  • It’s less likely to smudge or fade over time.

Cons of simulated process printing

  • It requires more education and experience to perfect.
  • It’s generally more expensive than traditional printing techniques.

You can probably already assume which printing process we prefer at Scrappy—but again, we wanted to show you both options so you can make an informed decision.

How halftoning works in CMYK vs. simulated process printing

We’ve talked a lot about CMYK and simulated process printing, but how do these two printing processes differ when it comes to halftoning?

Halftoning is a process that combines dots of varying sizes to create a gradient effect. This is used for images or designs with a lot of colors because it makes the color transitions appear smoother.

The way halftoning works is actually pretty interesting. When an image is printed using halftoning, the design is first separated into four colors: cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. These colors are then printed using dots of varying sizes.

The sizes of the dots depend on how light or dark the color is supposed to be. For example, if a color is supposed to be printed as a light shade, the dots will be small. If the color is supposed to be printed as a dark shade, the dots will be large.

This printing technique is used in both CMYK and simulated process printing. However, there are some key differences between the two. In CMYK printing, the dots are usually of equal size. This means that all four colors are printed using the same-sized dots.

On the other hand, in simulated process printing, each color is printed using dots of different sizes. This allows for a more accurate print and smoother color transitions.

CMYK vs. simulated process printing: Who wins this knockout round?

In a tough fight against the well-known CMYK and the newer simulated process printing, it’s safe to say that for custom apparel with detail and color, simulated process printing wins by knockout.

At Scrappy Apparel, we want to ensure your designs get all the best detail and the brightest colors we can possibly create because, at the end of the day, we want your graphics to look absolutely killer from every angle—from afar, up close, and even upside down.

Now, let’s say you’ve decided you want to go ahead and get your apparel printed with simulated process printing. How will you prepare your artwork?

Artwork prep tips for the perfect print

When you’re creating your artwork for simulated process printing, there are a few things you’ll need to consider:

1. Create your graphics with certain limitations in mind.

A few examples of details you might have that may not print precisely are drop shadows, gradients, and glows. This is not meant to limit your creativity. We want to make sure your creative juices are flowing at 100%. But we also want to make your creativity translates well onto your custom apparel.

2. Convert your artwork into a vector file.

We recommend designing your graphics in Adobe Illustrator because it’s the best program to use if you want to create vector files. When you’re ready to save, make sure you choose .EPS or .AI as your file extension so your design is saved in a vector format.

3. Use color theory best practices.

Use contrast to make your design pop. You can do this by using light colors on a dark background or vice versa.

4. Keep your budget in mind.

Some colors, such as metallics, will be heavier on your wallet.  If you’re looking to save some money, consider using a less expensive color palette.

5. Format your design in the right color mode for printing.

When it comes to colors, you need to set your color mode. Although CMYK is a color mode option, we recommend setting your color mode to Pantone. This mode is best for precise color matches.

6. Expand your strokes.

Before completing your graphic, please expand your strokes. This ensures that your design will be printed correctly and there won’t be any white gaps around the edges of your lines.

If you enjoyed these tips, we have good news—there’s more!

Download our free artwork preparation guide to learn everything you need to know to get your artwork print-ready. This guide covers topics such as file types, color modes, bleed, and more!

Scrappy Apparel vs. DIY printing

In an era when TikTokers are dyeing clothes with buckets of water and printing graphics onto old t-shirts left and right, you might fall into the temptation to create your own custom apparel.

Now, we aren’t saying that we don’t have faith in you—we just have a loooooot more faith in ourselves. With 16 years of experience in the custom apparel world, we’ve pretty much seen and done it all when it comes to custom apparel. So, we’re confident that we can help you create the exact design you have in mind.

Now, maybe you’re asking, “What can possibly go wrong with making my own custom apparel at home?” Well, here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. You might not have all the necessary materials.

You’ll need more than just a design. You’ll need fabric, ink… you get the idea. If you don’t have all of the right materials, your design will not turn out the way you want it to.

2. The quality will not be as good as if you left it to the professionals.

When you print your own graphics onto apparel, the quality will not be as good as it would be if you used a professional printing company. The colors might not be as vibrant and the design might not last as long.

3. It takes time to create custom apparel—a lot of time.

Creating custom apparel is a process. You can’t just print your graphics onto a t-shirt and call it a day. In fact, the process can take hours—and that’s if you know what you’re doing.

Now, since we’ve already established what a complicated and extensive process custom printing your apparel can be, imagine when you’re ready to scale your brand.

Sure, you can probably make one or two shirts, but what about when you need to make 10, 100, or 1,000? You’ll quickly realize that you’re in over your head and that’s when you’ll come to us.

4. You’ll need the right machinery.

Ah, machines. Yes, we have those. The best kinds, actually. That’s why it’s even better to work with us instead of doing it yourself.

Are you interested in printing a detailed graphic? We have machines for that.

Want to blow up your design into a jumbo size? We have machines for that.

Searching for a company that can get 100 shirts for the whole team created with ease? You guessed it, we have machines for that.

5. You might not get the results you want.

There’s a reason why we’ve been in the custom apparel business for 16 years—because we know what we’re doing. We have the experience and the expertise to help you create the perfect design for your custom apparel. DIY-ing your custom apparel might save you some money in the short term, but it could cost you in the long run if you’re not happy with the results.

6. When you work with us, you get to leverage the experience of brand-building experts.

We don’t just print custom apparel—we help our customers build their brands. When you work with us, you get access to our team of brand-building experts who can help you scale your custom apparel brand to infinity and beyond.

We want to see you succeed, and we’ll do whatever it takes to help you get there. So, if you’re looking for someone to partner with on your custom apparel journey, look no further than Scrappy Apparel.

For a little extra convincing, we’d like to mention that we ship all of your custom apparel for free straight to your doorstep. We meet every single deadline. No excuses, just results.

Ready to begin your simulated process printing project?

Go ahead and click below to get your free estimate. Trust us, we are worth it.

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successful apparel entrepreneurs

10 Things Successful Apparel Entrepreneurs Do

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So, you’re looking for the secret to success as an apparel entrepreneur?

Fantastic—you’re in the right place.

If there’s one thing we have experience in, it’s creating an apparel business from scratch and turning it into the thriving business we have today.

We care about your success as much as our own. We respect your hustle and want your entrepreneurial dreams to come true, too.

So, we decided to write a list of 10 things you should do if you want to be a successful apparel entrepreneur. Here’s what you need to know:

1. Prioritize the customer experience.

Succeeding in a customer-centric business is simple—just keep your customers happy.

Don’t believe us? Good luck selling to the people who rate you 1/5 on Google. Your business will suffer if you consistently have bad reviews and unhappy customers.

Creating a positive experience for your customers will keep them happy. Here are a few ways to make their day:

Optimize your website and make it easy to navigate.

Run a site speed test to make sure your site loads quickly. If you notice any issues impacting your user experience, fix them ASAP.

Take a look at your navigation and make sure all the important links are easily accessible. After all, your customers won’t buy from you if they can’t find what they’re looking for!

Add detailed info about each of your products.

Make sure your product descriptions answer all the important questions customers might have. Be sure to include size, weight, dimensions, materials, and care instructions.

Offer fast and free shipping.

Include free returns or exchanges in case something doesn’t fit quite right.

Make the ordering process as easy as possible for your customers.

Your customers will remember the great experience they had on your site. They’ll be more likely to become repeat buyers or recommend your brand to others.

The customer experience is important, but so is responding to your customers’ questions or concerns. That leads us to our next point, which is…

2. Provide quality customer service.

We’ve all been there—we’ve had a question or concern about a product we’ve ordered, but the company’s customer service is nowhere to be found.

It’s frustrating, right? As an apparel entrepreneur, you need to be available to your customers when they need you. Here are a few tips for providing quality customer service:

Make sure your contact information is easy to find on your website.

Include an email address, phone number, and/or live chat option.

Respond to customer inquiries as quickly as possible.

The sooner you can address their concerns, the better.

Be friendly and helpful in your responses.

Your customers will appreciate it!

Offer a solution to the problem.

If a customer is unhappy with a purchase, offer a refund or exchange.

Follow up with the customer after their issue has been resolved.

This shows that you care about their satisfaction and want to make sure they’re happy with your brand.

Sure, there are lots of other apparel brands out there, but if you can perfect your customer service, you’ll be one step ahead.

3. Always. Prioritize. Quality.

We know that when you first start a business, money can be tight. Trust us, we worked many side jobs when we first started Scrappy because it took a while for us to see the fruits of our labor.

However, if you’re going to order custom apparel, keep your long-term success in mind. Good quality materials often cost more, but think of them as an investment that will come back to you in the long run.

If you establish yourself as a premium brand from the start, you’ll have an easier time raising your prices. Your customers will also be more likely to return to you for future purchases.

4. Make connections.

Want to know how to get the best materials without breaking the bank? Connections are your friends. Networking with other entrepreneurs or business owners will open many doors for you.

You never know who you’ll meet. Maybe you’ll run into the owners of the best custom apparel company in the U.S. (Wait, that’s us.)

Over time, your connections may talk about your brand to others, which will help you attract new customers.

5. Offer multiple garment options.

T-shirts, polos, sweatshirts, hats… the more options you have, the better. Not everyone is going to want the same thing, so offer a variety of apparel items for your customers to choose from.

This way, they’re more likely to find something they like and are willing to buy.

6. Educate buyers on their options.

Options are great, but they get even better when your customers know exactly what they’re buying.

Trust us, lots of people come to our site and don’t know what the hell all over sublimation printing is. We educate our customers on exactly what the process entails so they can make informed decisions for their projects.

Demonstrating the pros and cons of each product or service will help customers make a purchasing decision. Clarity is key!

7. Go above and beyond with your offers.

Listen, the hard truth is that opening a business in the apparel world as an entrepreneur won’t be easy. There are tons of other apparel shops out there. You need to find a way to stand out from your competitors.

What can you offer that others can’t? Think about it from the customer’s perspective. They want to know what they’re getting out of buying from you rather than someone else.

Do you have a loyalty program?

Free shipping on orders over a certain amount?

A free gift with purchase?

Whatever it is, make sure it’s something that will attract customers to your brand.

8. Create an unforgettable pitch.

You only have a few seconds to make a first impression, so you better make it count. Whether you’re giving a presentation or just chatting with someone at a networking event, your pitch needs to be on point.

What are the most important things you want your audience to know about your brand?

What makes you different from other businesses in your industry?

What are your long-term goals?

Answering these questions will help you create a pitch that’s impossible to forget.

9. Stay focused on your goals.

If being an entrepreneur was easy, everyone would be the next Elon Musk. It’s the people with the strongest mindsets that make it in the business world.

You need to set goals and know exactly what you want from your business. Whether it’s hitting revenue milestones or acquiring a certain number of customers, your goals will allow you to measure your success.

10. Take care of yourself, too.

You’re not going to be able to run your business if you’re not taking care of yourself. It’s important to find a balance between work and life. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and exercising regularly.

Your business will thank you for it!

why choose scrappy apparel

Why Choose Scrappy?

Scrappy Apparel is a bulk manufacturer for custom apparel. We offer luxury-quality products at pocket-friendly prices. You’ll get the best of both worlds when you choose us.

Here are a few reasons why you should work with us:

  • We offer private labeling—the ultimate way to take true ownership of your brand.
  • We fold and polybag every order before shipping it out.
  • We add SKU stickers to each order.
  • We coordinate with our clients’ fulfillment centers and deliver our goods based on their requirements.

Let’s take your custom apparel to the next level!

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what makes scrappy apparel company scrappy

What makes Scrappy Apparel Company Scrappy?

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Have you ever wondered, “What makes Scrappy Apparel Company scrappy?” 

(If not, that’s OK. We’re going to share the answer anyway.)

When you search the word “scrappy” on Google, the first definition that pops up is from Oxford Languages, and it reads: consisting of disorganized, untidy, or incomplete parts.

scrappy definition

“Disorganized” and “incomplete” might be words that described the first few years of this company, but we like to think we gave the word “scrappy” a big ol’ redecoration as we’ve matured and perfected the business. 

To us—and we hope to you as well—to be scrappy is to follow your dreams. It means to create something huge from a vision that once seemed impossible. To be scrappy is to dedicate yourself to a dream and give it your all, even when you’re starting with very little. We’re scrappy at our finest. 

Scrappy Flashbacks to ‘06

What happens when two guys who played college soccer together enter the corporate world after graduating? They quit and start their own business! 

Grant Kevins and Chris Berena played college soccer together at West Virginia University, and they both entered the corporate world shortly after graduation. They quickly realized that working a 9 to 5 wasn’t what they wanted to do, so they decided to take matters into their own hands. They went from teammates to best friends to best man to business partners and created the ever-so-famous and amazing Scrappy Apparel. 

From the start, Grant and Chris hand-pressed every t-shirt to ensure perfection. They worked endless hours bringing their dreams to life. Not only was Scrappy Apparel Company a thing, but they also had Scrappy Music. This side hustle encouraged small, independent artists to express their talent and stream their music on Scrappy’s online radio platform. From the start, Chris and Grant wanted to give people the chance to show off their coolness. 

What did the Scrappy creators have in common with the small music artists? Not only were they both trying to make a name for themselves, but they could also use t-shirts to grow their audience and reach. With that, Scrappy Apparel Company and Scrappy Music artists worked together to create some shirts.

A lot more happened over the years, like printing “Made in Heaven” on all neck labels, organizing Scrappy hours with local bands/restaurants, and even getting banned from Craigslist. (We promoted ourselves too much in the band/musician section. Craigslist wasn’t happy about it.)

Scrappy continued to grow through dedication, hard work, and many, many, many long nights. If you don’t believe Grant and Chris love their business, just ask them how many years went by without them collecting the fruits of their labor. The answer is a few years. Yes, plural

What makes Scrappy different from the rest?

Now that we’ve established Scrappy’s origins, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty about what makes this business so damn special and different from the rest. To us, scrappy means giving the very best there is to give. We hope all our current and future customers know they are getting the most exceptional service from us (and let’s not forget to mention the best prices, too.) 

Scrappy Apparel is an online savior version of your local print shop. We provide enterprise-level processes with the personalized customer service you’d expect from the print shop down the street. But Scrappy can print 10,000 shirts without breaking a sweat. We will help you scale your brand to infinity and beyond.

About our work

We base our work on our customers’ happiness. We want to make sure that once you receive your order, you immediately know that you made the right choice in working with Scrappy. We offer garments from the waist up, and we do all the legwork to source the highest-quality fabrics for our customers. That’s the true scrappy way. 

Our proprietary Brand Building Process that other manufacturers simply can’t beat

Our Brand Building Process (BBP) streamlines the ordering experience so you can get your order manufactured without worrying about misprints, delays, or low-quality products. Our BBP is your new BFF.

Our pre-production layout review ensures that your order will turn out exactly how you imagined it would. Our BBP guarantees your products will be beautiful, bold, and straight out of your dreams.

It starts off with a simple click of a button. You roam around our website, see some things you like, and decide you want to learn more. Once you click Get Your Quote, our team will get to work. We’ll get back to you within 24 business hours with a sweet-sounding estimate. We know how valuable your time is, and we know how precious your money is, too. 

Once your estimate is approved, it’s pre-production time, baby. We connect you with one of our Scrappy Sales Reps who will show you pre-production layouts. (That’s a fancy term for proofs.) You can request edits until you’re happy. At the end of the day, we want you to love the products you get.

After you approve your pre-production layout, you can let us get to work while you sit back and relax. We’re quick and precise, and we’ll have your order at your doorstep in no time. Shipping is free, and your orders will always arrive on time. Absolutely no excuses. 

If you thought things couldn’t get any better, we fold and polybag every order so every garment is retail-ready. We also offer private labeling services so our customers can own their custom apparel and integrate it into their brands. You could say that our company is the “Renaissance Man” of the custom apparel industry (meaning we’re good at many things!)

We pride ourselves in being more than just manufacturers. We are true custom apparel partners. Our team will advise you on the best decisions for your project to help your brand succeed (and look fly while doing it). 

brand building process

Materials so good that you’ll reevaluate your whole closet.

Not only is our work process unmatched, but the colors, fabrics, and machines we use are top-notch and best of the best. Not to brag, but what can we say? We like things to feel and look high-quality without the pocket-breaking designer prices.

We make all our apparel with the finest fabrics you can find. If there’s one thing about us that isn’t all that scrappy, it’s our high-end threads. For some of our products, we use Pima Cotton straight from Peru. This is the softest cotton you’ll get your hands on, and we pride ourselves on offering such amazing quality for even better prices. 

Let’s talk hats now. As we said, we can do anything from the waist up. If you’re looking for some cool hats, we have you covered. In fact, we have the best custom hat program in the world. Our cut and sew hat service allows you to completely customize your hat, so it will be unique to your brand.

Our inks are vibrant, long-lasting, and opaque. Not only do we promise you striking colors on your prints, but we also have a variety of different inks we use that allow us to deliver picture-perfect products. Whether you’re looking for plastisol, water-based, or discharge inks, we have it all!

To top it all off, if you want that extra pizzaz, we offer custom embroidery. You read that right. If this is the service you choose, the ride to perfection is smooth sailing. All you need to do is send us your design, and we’ll have it stitched out in real life in no time. The word “mistake” isn’t in our scrappy vocabulary, so we show you how things will look from the start to make sure you will be happy with the finished product.

Customer service that feels like a friend. 

If there’s one thing that Chris and Grant have clear, it’s the long and hard process that it took for them to get to where they currently are. Although they are no longer hand-pressing shirts now (thankfully), they do their best to ensure that the team members they bring into the Scrappy family are a good cultural fit. Scrappy is a lifestyle, after all.

One key characteristic of being scrappy is giving our undivided attention to the wants, needs, and desires of our valuable customers. Our customer service is unmatched. Despite our growth, we pride ourselves on being a custom apparel brand that offers personalized support for our customers. Sure, you can find another custom apparel brand on Google in seconds—but we assure you, you won’t find efficiency, quality, and humanness the way we do it.

Besides, why wouldn’t we want to give our undivided attention to customers who want the coolest garments, whether it be for their business or for personal use? You’d be surprised how many amazing shirts we have printed and how fulfilling it is to complete each project. Honestly, we’re beyond blessed.

We think a key factor in our success with customers is having a deep understanding of what they want. You can order custom t-shirts from hundreds of different companies, but how many companies have the BBP? Does any other company offer incredible quality, cost-effective prices, and customer-focused service? Hell to the no.

At Scrappy Apparel Company, we take our time to understand your project, make recommendations based on our expertise, and co-create your apparel with you to ensure your project exceeds your expectations. We work to help you the best bang for your buck.

Finally, we believe that our customers are a big part of what makes Scrappy Apparel Company scrappy. We may be custom apparel experts, but you all are what helps our business thrive. Your creativity, passion, and entrepreneurial spirit make you true scrappy heroes.

There would not be any shirts to print, hats to embroider, or orders to package if we didn’t have such kickass clients such as yourself. Without you, Grant and Chris would not be in the apparel industry today, and that would be truly heartbreaking.

why choose scrappy apparel company

Welcome to the Scrappy Apparel Company family.

Whether you’re part of the Scrappy family already or you’re someone searching for the best custom apparel print shop to ever exist, we hope you no longer feel the need to hesitate in choosing us. Scrappy Apparel Company wants you all to feel welcomed, assisted, and at the end of the day, happy with how your products turn out. We assure you that no other custom apparel company you find online will give you the attention and amazing results you will get with us. 

In case you forgot, here are a few more reasons why you should work with us:

  • Scrappy Apparel is an online alternative to your local print shop. We provide enterprise-level scalability with the same personalized customer service you’d expect from the shop down the street. Scrappy can print thousands of shirts in a short time. If you’re looking to scale, we’re the ones to call—and your brand will never outgrow us because our manufacturing capabilities grow stronger year after year.
  • We are more than just a t-shirt printing company. We are true custom apparel partners. Our team will advise you on the best decisions for your project to make your brand successful, and we’ll help you through every step of the process. Instead of being in the dark, you’ll know exactly what’s going on with your order at all times.
  • Our orders are always on time (or early), and we ship free to the USA.
  • Our Brand Building Process (BBP) makes ordering custom apparel a piece of cake. We’ll take care of all the heavy lifting for you and send you pre-production layouts to review and approve—so there are no surprises when your order arrives.

We hope you don’t take this as bragging, but we’ve put so much care and attention (and money) into this brand that we are confident in its abilities now and in the future. 

So, to finish things off, we are scrappy because we love what we do. We have been passionate about our work since 2006, and we will continue to do it forever.

Ready to choose Scrappy Apparel Company as your t-shirt printing partner?

We’d love to speak with you about your project.

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t-shirt screen printing

T-Shirt Screen Printing at Lightning Speed: Behind the Scenes

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We all know how frustrating it can be to wait for your custom t-shirts. You place your order, wait what feels like forever, and then finally receive your shirts… only to find that the colors are off or the artwork isn’t placed correctly.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. At Scrappy Apparel, we pride ourselves on our quick turnaround times. In fact, we’re so fast that some of our customers are surprised when their orders arrive early!

How do we do it? It all starts with our amazing team of skilled professionals who are dedicated to getting your order right the first time—and delivering it at lightning speed.

However, there’s more to it than that. We’ve also streamlined our Brand Building Process (BBP) so we can get your shirts from concept to finished product quickly. We know time is precious, so we made our ordering process as simple as possible.

About our BBP

Our BBP is a tried-and-true process that we’ve used for years to produce high-quality custom t-shirts. We’ve been doing this for a while (about 16 years to be exact), and we have this process down pat.

We created our BBP because we noticed that the custom apparel industry needed more structure and organization. We also knew that we could use our process to speed up production times without sacrificing quality.

Here’s how our BBP works:

get your free quote

Get Your Free Quote

Request your free quote and receive your detailed estimate within 24 business hours.


connect with scrappy sales rep

Connect with your Scrappy Sales Rep

Finalize your project details with the help of a friendly Scrappy Sales Rep.

pre-production layouts

Approve Your Pre-Production Layout(s)

Confirm your print size, location, private labeling, etc. to make sure we get every detail right.

sit and relax

Sit Back And Relax

We’ll manufacture your order and send it your way. Ground shipping is FREE to your doorstep.

Read our free guide to learn more about our BBP.

How to speed up the t-shirt printing process

We get it—sometimes, you can’t wait forever for your order to arrive. Deadlines, events, and time-sensitive projects are all a reality in the business world.

Especially if you choose us to be your custom apparel manufacturer, we can guide you on how to speed up the t-shirt manufacturing process. Our turnaround times are some of the fastest in the industry, and we’ll work with you to make sure your order is delivered on time—every time.

Here are a few tips to get your t-shirts in your hands fast:

1. Prepare your artwork.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but we can’t stress enough how important it is to have your artwork ready to go before you place your order. Not sure where to start? Check out our Artwork Preparation Guide for tips on how to configure your files and set up your designs for success.

2. Do your research.

T-shirt screen printing is a complex process, so it’s important that you understand the different types of shirts, inks, and printing techniques before you place your order. Our team is always happy to answer any questions you have about our products and services.

3. Place your order early.

To avoid any delays, we recommend placing your order as early as possible. This will give us ample time to complete your order and make any necessary adjustments.

4. Be available for your pre-production layout review.

After you place your order, one of our talented professionals will put together your pre-production layout, which we’ll send to you for review. It’s important that you respond promptly so we can make any necessary changes and get your shirts into production.

5. Keep an eye out for your t-shirt delivery.

Once you’ve placed your order and approved your pre-production layout, you can sit back and relax. We’ll take care of the rest and have your custom t-shirts delivered to you early or on time… never, ever late!

We are the leading manufacturing solution for e-commerce and retail brands that are ready to scale.

Our custom apparel experts have helped thousands of brands successfully launch and grow their businesses.

We’re not your average t-shirt printer. Here’s what makes us different:

We are a 100% online manufacturing service.

You can complete the entire process online without ever having to leave your couch—except for when it’s time to pick up your delivery from the front porch.

We execute shipping and fulfillment solutions for our customers.

Your polybagging, packaging, and SKU stickers are covered.

We offer private labeling.

With our private labeling services, we can help you create and launch your own line of apparel—with your name on the label. Take true ownership of your custom apparel with our private labeling services.

We have our own fulfillment center, but we will also coordinate with yours.

We’ll deliver your goods based on your fulfillment center’s requirements. We keep things simple just for you.

We are true custom apparel partners.

Our team of custom apparel experts will work with you to bring your vision to life. We’ll help you every step of the way.

Why choose Scrappy Apparel for fast t-shirt printing?

Here are just a few reasons to work with our team of experts:

1. We offer quick turnaround times without skimping on quality.

Quality is always our top priority, but we also know that you need your shirts ASAP. We’ll never sacrifice quality for speed, but we’ll always do our best to get your shirts to you as quickly as possible.

2. Our turnaround times are 100% transparent and accurate.

When we give you a turnaround time, you can be confident that your shirts will be delivered on or before that date. We know how important it is to meet your deadlines, so we’ll never give you a false sense of security.

3. Our Brand Building Process (BBP) will make your custom apparel experience stress-free.

The BBP is our proprietary process that streamlines the custom apparel experience from start to finish. We’ll walk you through every step of the process so you know exactly what to expect.

4. We’re always available to answer your questions—no matter how big or small.

We know that manufacturing logistics can be confusing, so we’re always happy to answer any questions you have. Our team of experts is always available to help you make the best choices for your brand.

5. We have a track record of over 1,000 happy customers.

We’re proud to have helped thousands of businesses launch and grow their brands. We’re confident that we can help you, too.

Don’t wait—let’s get the ball rolling today!

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jumbo screen printing

Jumbo Screen Printing: Is Bigger Always Better?

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Some brands like to live large (literally). Jumbo screen printing is a type of large-format screen printing that allows you to print your design at a 17×22 inch size.

That’s nearly four times the size of a standard design! While this printing method can be great for certain projects, it might not always be the best option.

Here are five factors to consider before saying “YES” to jumbo screen printing:

1. Look at your design

Before deciding if jumbo screen printing is right for your project, you need to look at your design. Is it simple enough to work at a larger size? Or is it too complex and detailed?

Some designs are actually better suited for a smaller print area. If your design is too busy, it might get lost at a larger size. In general, simpler designs work better at a larger scale. (But of course, there are always exceptions to the rule.)

2. Keep reading ability in mind

Another important factor to consider is readability. Will your design be easy to read at a 17×22 inch size? If not, it might be better to stick with a smaller print area.

3. Consider your budget

Jumbo screen printing can be more expensive than standard screen printing, simply because it requires more materials. So if you’re working with a limited budget, this might not be the best option for you.

4. Think about turnaround time

Keep in mind that jumbo screen printing can take longer than standard screen printing because there’s more area to cover. Jumbo projects might not be deadline-friendly.

5. Weigh your options

In the end, it’s important to review all your options before deciding if jumbo screen printing is right for your project. If you’re unsure, our team of experts at Scrappy Apparel can help you weigh the pros and cons to find the best printing method for your needs.

Think about it…

  • What are you trying to achieve?
  • How much does size matter to your target audience?
  • What is your budget for this project?
  • What is your timeline?

Your goal should be to find the best printing method for your project. Take some time to consider all your options before making a final decision. Jumbo screen printing can be a great way to make a big impact with your brand, but it’s not the right route to take with every project…

…and that leads us into our pros and cons list.

pros of screen printing

Pros of jumbo screen printing

1. You can make a big impact with your design.

This is the most obvious benefit of going jumbo.

If you want to make a statement with your design, this is definitely the way to do it. Just imagine how your design will look at four times its original size!

2. It’s great for simple, bold designs.

Simple is often better when it comes to screen printing. And that’s especially true for large-format prints. If your design is too complex, it might get lost at a larger size. But if it’s simple and bold, jumbo screen printing can be a great way to make a big impact.

3. You can really show off your color palette.

If you have a loud, high-contrast design to print on a garment, one way to amplify its effect is by going big. Jumbo screen printing can really make your colors pop. And if you’re working with a limited color palette, this can be a great way to make your design stand out.

4. It can be cost-effective.

Sure, jumbo screen printing requires more materials (like ink) than a smaller print would. But you might be surprised to learn that it can also be highly cost-effective.

Let us explain:

The price of screen printing is mainly based on the number of colors in your design, not the size of your print area. So, if you have a simple design that only uses a couple of colors, it may be cheaper to print it jumbo-sized than printing a complex design on a small area.

Of course, this all depends on your specific project. We quote our projects on a case-by-case basis because every little factor makes a difference. But it’s something to keep in mind when you’re budgeting for your screen printing project.

5. You don’t have to worry about the design losing quality when it’s scaled up.

This is a common concern with digital printing methods like DTG (direct-to-garment) printing. But it’s not an issue with screen printing. As long as your design is high-resolution to begin with, it will look just as sharp at a larger size.

6. It’s a versatile printing method – you can print on a variety of garments.

T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts… you name it.

As long as the surface area is large enough and the fabric is suitable for screen printing, you can go jumbo!

Now that we’ve gone over some of the benefits of jumbo screen printing, let’s look at some potential drawbacks.

Cons of jumbo screen printing:

1. It might not be necessary.

Sure, jumbo screen printing adds a little extra width and height to your design—but not all designs need the extra oomph. Sometimes, a smaller print is all you need to make your point.

2. Not all designs are suited for a large print area.

This goes back to our point about simplicity. A complex design with a lot of small details might get lost at a larger size. So, if you’re not sure whether your design will work at a larger size, it’s always best to get a second opinion from your manufacturer or apparel professionals in your network.

3. It can be more expensive than standard screen printing.

This is true in some cases, but not always. There are other factors that influence the price more than the size of the screen print. But jumbo might not be the best choice if you’re on a tight budget.

4. It might take longer to print your garments.

Depending on your manufacturer, going jumbo could add at least a few days to your turnaround time. If you have a rapidly approaching deadline, you should ask your custom apparel partner how long it will take to turn around your garments.

A quality partner will be 100% transparent with you about how long it will take to manufacture and deliver your order.

5. You might need to order a larger quantity of garments to make the investment worthwhile.

Let’s talk price breaks and MOQs. (That stands for “minimum order quantity.”)

If you want to take advantage of jumbo screen printing, you might want to order larger garments than you originally intended. Most custom apparel companies have a minimum order quantity for each service.

An MOQ is the minimum number of garments you need to order at one time for the manufacturer to work with you.

Jumbo screen printing doesn’t always have a higher MOQ, but it usually entails a higher per-garment cost. Therefore, it would be more cost-effective to order a larger quantity of garments to make the most of your investment.

6. You need to have a large enough print area on your garment.

This is probably the most obvious drawback to jumbo screen printing. If your garment doesn’t have a large enough print area, you’re simply out of luck.

For the kiddos, jumbo isn’t the way to go—at least until they fit into adult sizes.

The verdict: should you go jumbo with your screen printing project?

As with any marketing decision, choose the size that makes the most sense for your business goals and objectives.

Jumbo screen printing may be the way to go if you want to make a splash and grab attention. However, a more minimalistic approach may be best if you’re trying to appeal to a more sophisticated audience.

The bottom line is that there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing the size of your screen print project.

It all depends on what you’re trying to achieve and who your target audience is. Take the time to consider your options and ask questions.

Being informed will help you make the best choice for your screen printing project.

How Scrappy Apparel will take your large format screen printing project to new heights

Now that you know a little more about jumbo screen printing, it’s time to take your project to the next level. Scrappy Apparel is here to help you achieve your goals, no matter how big or small they may be.

Here are just a few (of the many) reasons why you should work with us:

We specialize in large format screen printing.

We have the experience and expertise to print your artwork up to 20×28 in. Better yet, we’ll print your design all over the garment if you want it covered from head to toe. If you want to make a big impact with your brand, check out all our large format screen printing options.

Our team will ensure that all the important details in your design translate well to the large format jumbo screen printing calls for.

We take the time to review your artwork and discuss your vision for the project. This way, we can guarantee your satisfaction and make sure the whole team is clear on what the finished design will look like.

We’ll work with you to choose the best printing method, garment, and ink for your project.

We’re here to help you every step of the way—from start to finish.

Our experts are passionate about screen printing and committed to providing our customers with the best possible experience. We’ll work with you to ensure your project turns out exactly the way you envisioned it.

We source the highest-quality fabrics, inks, and materials to use for our garments.

That’s right—no more scratchy t-shirts with holes in them after the second wash. We believe you deserve the best, so we meticulously handpick all the materials we use to produce your custom screen printed garments.

We’re willing to go above and beyond to make sure you’re happy with your finished products—that is the Scrappy Apparel way.

We’re a one-stop shop for all your custom apparel needs

In addition to jumbo screen printing, we offer a wide range of other services, including embroidery, sublimation printing, and the best custom hat program on the face of the Earth.

We are a fully online, customer-first service provider with enterprise-level scalability.

That was a mouthful—but here’s what we mean by that. When you work with us, you get:

  • The ability to order your custom apparel online without getting dressed or driving to your local print shop.
  • All your questions answered. Our Scrappy Sales Reps and rockstar customer support team will make sure you understand every step in our manufacturing and fulfillment processes. When you work with us, you will receive the same personalized service you’d expect from your local print shop.
  • Access to manufacturing resources that your local print shop simply doesn’t have. If you want to scale your brand big, you need a custom apparel partner that can keep up with your growth. We can produce orders of 100 shirts, 1,000, 10,000… every big number you can think of. You’ll never outgrow us because we can scale you to the enterprise level—and beyond.

We offer FREE shipping to the USA.

When you work with Scrappy Apparel, you’ll enjoy free shipping on all orders within the USA. That’s right—we’ll cover the cost of shipping so you can focus on what’s important: your business.

Our quotes are 100% transparent, all-inclusive (with no hidden fees), and FREE!

What you see is what you get with Scrappy Apparel. We believe in being upfront and honest with our customers, which is why we provide free, no-obligation, all-inclusive, and 100% transparent quotes.

We’re here to help you grow your brand.

At Scrappy Apparel, we’re not just in the business of screen printing—we’re in the business of helping our customers scale their brands to infinity and beyond. We’ll work with you to create a custom apparel solution that meets your specific needs and helps you achieve your goals.

large format screen printing (1)

Ready to make jumbo screen printing work for your brand?

We’re excited to speak with you about your project. Here’s the next step:

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Upgrade Your Custom Screen Print Shirts With Specialty Screen Printing

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Basic t-shirts have a time and a place. 

But if you want to really make a statement, or show off your brand in the best light possible, it’s time to step up your apparel game. That’s where specialty screen printing comes in.

Specialty screen printing is perfect for adding unique elements to your shirts, such as:

  • Foil
  • Liquid gold and silver inks
  • Glow in the dark inks
  • Puff
  • Reflective
  • Burnout

Your brand should reflect who you are, what you do, and the value you provide to your customers.

With specialty screen printing techniques, you can make a fantastic first impression on potential customers. This is especially important for brands that rely on word-of-mouth marketing and customer loyalty. If your shirts aren’t up to par, it reflects poorly on your brand as a whole.

On the other hand, if you have retail-soft, eye-catching shirts, it demonstrates that you’re willing to invest in your brand—and that you care about your customers’ experience.

Investing in your custom apparel is a small price to pay for the long-term benefits it provides. Not only will your shirts look amazing, but you’ll also make your brand more memorable.

When it comes to custom t-shirts, don’t settle for anything less than the best. Work with a screen printing partner that will take your apparel to the next level.

Why specialty screen printing is worth investing in

Maybe you’re looking to add some extra pizzazz to your company shirts, or perhaps you want to design a shirt that’s truly one-of-a-kind. Either way, specialty screen printing can help you achieve your goals.

Specialty screen printing will add unique details to your shirts, and it can also make them more durable. If you’re printing shirts that will be worn often or need to stand up to tough conditions, specialty inks can help you get the job done.

Your investment in specialty screen printing will pay off when you see how much attention and respect your shirts get. Think of it as giving a little extra love to your custom apparel project.

Your options for specialty screen printing

Here’s what you can expect from each printing process:

foil printing

Foil Printing

This printing process uses a thin sheet of metallic foil that is applied to the shirt with heat and pressure. Foil printing can add a bit of extra weight to the shirt, but the results are definitely worth it. This effect will help you achieve a premium look for your custom apparel.

liquid gold and silver ink

Liquid Gold and Silver Inks

These inks are perfect for adding a bit of luxury to your shirts. These inks can add to the cost per unit for your shirts. However, when you see the finished product, you’ll realize that your investment was worthwhile.

glow in the dark ink

Glow in the Dark Inks

If you couldn’t guess, these inks will glow in the dark. They’re perfect for shirts that you want to stand out at night or in a dimly lit room.

puff printing

Puff Printing

This printing process uses an additional layer of fabric that is applied to the shirt with heat and pressure. The finished design has a raised, 3D effect that is sure to turn heads.

reflective printing

Reflective Printing

Reflective printing uses special inks that reflect light. This process is perfect for safety apparel or for shirts that you want to be easily seen in low lighting conditions.

burnout printing

Burnout Printing

This printing process uses a chemical burnout solution to remove the top layer of fabric from the shirt. The finished product will have a vintage, distressed look that is ideal for trendy brands.

What to keep in mind when choosing a specialty screen printing partner

Specialty screen printing is… well, special. When you’re choosing a partner to help you with your printing needs, you’ll want to make sure that they’re up for the task.

Here are a few factors to consider when you’re choosing a specialty screen printing partner:

1. Choose a partner with experience.

You don’t want to end up with a bunch of unusable shirts. Choose a partner who has plenty of experience with specialty screen printing.

2. Make sure they have the right equipment.

Specialty screen printing requires specific types of equipment. Make sure your chosen partner has everything they need to get the job done right.

3. Order samples to test the quality of the apparel.

Any legit screen printing partner will be able to sell you samples of their work. This will give you a good idea of what to expect from them and help you make sure that they’re the right fit for your needs. You can shop our samples here.

4. Be aware of turnaround times.

Keep in mind that turnaround times for specialty screen printing can be longer than traditional screen printing. Make sure to plan ahead and allow plenty of time for your shirts to be printed.

5. Get a quote.

Prices for specialty screen printing can vary depending on the design, the number of shirts, and the printing process. Be sure to get a quote from your chosen partner before you commit to anything.

Get the most out of your custom t-shirts with Scrappy Apparel.

Scrappy Apparel is your one-stop shop for all things screen printing. We have the experience, the equipment, and the know-how to produce apparel that will “WOW” your customers, employees, family, friends… basically everyone you know.

We also offer sublimation printing, embroidery, and the best custom hat program in the world. 

We’ll manufacture the softest damn apparel you’ve ever worn, but that’s not all—we’ll do it quickly, affordably, and with the utmost attention to detail. Quality is our number one priority, and we guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Better yet, we’re true partners for our clients. In addition to manufacturing custom apparel, we can advise you on how to grow your brand. We’ll help you make the most of your investment and take your business to the next level.

If you’re looking for custom apparel that speaks for itself, look no further than Scrappy Apparel. Ready to level up?

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large format screen printing

Large Format Screen Printing Tips for WOW-Worthy Results

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Have you ever created a design so awesome that you wanted to print it larger than life?

If so, large format screen printing is for you. BTW, there are lots of other reasons why you might want to print a massive design on a shirt. Maybe you’re printing for a group, or perhaps you just want to make a statement with your custom apparel. Whatever the reason, you can’t go wrong with large format screen printing.

What is large format screen printing?

Large format screen printing is simply the process of printing giant designs on t-shirts (or other garments) using a screen printing machine.

Sounds pretty simple, right?

Well, there’s a little bit more to it than that.

Why large format screen printing is special

Not many screen printing companies offer it.

Most screen printing companies have a max print size of 14″ x 17.” That’s because most screen printing machines are only built to accommodate that size.

But we’re not most screen printing companies.

At Scrappy Apparel, we have large format screen printing capabilities. Our machines can accommodate prints up to 20″ x 28″ (and maybe even larger if you choose all over screen printing).

So, if you’re looking to print your design big, you know who to call.

The benefits of large format screen printing

Some of the perks are obvious, but others are not. Here are a few benefits of large format screen printing:

  • Print massive designs: Large format screen printing allows you to create designs that are up to 2x larger than what you could achieve with a standard screen printing machine. This means your design will be more visible and eye-catching.
  • Make a splash: Not only will your design be more visible, but it will also have a bigger impact. A large design on a t-shirt is sure to turn heads and get people talking.
  • Get shirts for the whole gang: If you’re printing for a large group, large format screen printing is the way to go. It will allow you to print all the shirts you need in one go, which is much more efficient (and cost-effective) than printing smaller batches.
  • Get the most bang for your buck: Large format screen printing is a great way to get maximum impact without breaking the bank.

If you want to ensure that your large format screen printing project turns out looking amazing, keep reading—because this is about to get good.

large format screen printing sizes

The different types of large format screen printing

Of course, we’re always going to go big or go home—but exactly how big do you want to go?

That will determine the type of large format screen printing you choose. Here are your options:

  • Oversize screen printing: 16 x 20 inches
  • Jumbo screen printing: 17 x 22 inches
  • Monster screen printing: 20 x 28 inches
  • All over screen printing: Your entire garment from seam to seam!

Here are a few tips to get head-turning, WOW-worthy results with your large format screen printing project:

Make sure your design is ready for the big screen.

Not the kind you’re thinking of.

We’re talking about making sure your design is large enough and has enough detail to look great printed large.

This might seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people try to print a design that’s too small or doesn’t have enough interest.

When in doubt, go bigger. Your large format screen printing project will thank you for it.

Choose your color palette carefully.

You might not realize this at first, but large format screen printing can be quite limiting when it comes to color.

In general, screen printing works best for designs that only have a few colors in them. Printing fewer colors will also help you save on production costs.

Worried that your large format screen printing project will be too boring with only a few colors? Don’t be. When it comes to color, less can be more.

But if you’re dead set on printing a design with every color in the rainbow, large format screen printing might not be the best option for you.

Use contrast strategically in your design.

The human eye has a hard time processing large amounts of information at once.

To make your large format screen printing project more readable (and therefore more effective), use contrast strategically in your design.

For example, you could use a light color on a dark shirt or vice versa.

Or, you could use a large block of color to break up a busy design.

No matter what, just make sure your design has enough contrast—or else people will quickly lose interest.

Think about the bigger picture—literally and figuratively.

Well, for starters, take a step back and look at your design from a distance.

This will help you see things that you might not have noticed when you were up close and personal with your design.

Are your colors too bright? Can you actually read the text? Are the proportions of your design on point?

All of these are valid concerns that you might not notice until you take a step back—literally and figuratively.

Use luxury-level, vibrant inks.

This is especially important if you’re printing on a dark garment.

You want to make sure your design pops, so use inks that are rich and colorful, like they were birthed from the rainbow itself.

At Scrappy Apparel, we use the highest quality inks on all of our large format screen printing projects.

We want your design to look amazing, so we make sure to use inks that will make your colors pop—no matter what color garment you’re printing on.

Choose an all-over print.

Large format screen printing is the perfect opportunity to go all out with your design.

An all-over print is exactly what it sounds like—a design that covers the entire garment from top to bottom and side to side.

All-over prints are attention-grabbing and sure to turn heads, so if you want to make a statement, this is the way to go.

Keep your typography size in mind.

With large format screen printing, you have the opportunity to go big with your typography—but that doesn’t mean you should.

Sizing your text correctly is important, no matter what size your garment is.

Creating your text to be too large will make it look childish, but sizing it too small will make it hard to read. Our team can advise you on the best font size for your design based on the printing size you choose.

Give your design some breathing room.

Suffocating your design with too much text or too many elements will make it look cluttered and busy.

Large format screen printing gives you the opportunity to spread out your design, so take advantage of that!

Give your artwork some breathing room by leaving empty space around the edges. This will make your design look clean and polished.

Create your design with large format screen printing in mind.

The best way to get amazing results with large format screen printing is to seed your design with it in mind from the very beginning.

Think about how your design will look printed large—and make sure it’s ready for its close-up before you even start screen printing.

It’s important to consider perspective as well. Crowded designs often don’t scale well, so it’s helpful to create a design with large format screen printing in mind from the beginning.

Screen print on an ultra-soft, wearable garment.

Large format screen printing is all about making a big impact, so you want to make sure you’re using a high-quality garment that won’t fall apart after a few washes.

At Scrappy Apparel, we source the best materials in the world, like our Peruvian Pima Cotton, to use for our garments. Shirts made from this top-of-the-line cotton are silky soft, yet durable.

Shirts made from our Peruvian Pima Cotton are the perfect candidates for large format screen printing.

They’re soft, comfortable, and will last wash after wash—so you can enjoy your tyrannosaurus-sized print for years to come.

Use equipment that can handle large format prints without breaking a sweat.

Trying to print large format designs on a small-scale screen printing press is a recipe for disaster.

You want to make sure you’re using equipment that’s large and powerful enough to handle your design without any problems.

Even if you’re into DIY screen printing, we don’t recommend taking on a large format project on your own. And unless your local print shop has specialized equipment to print huge designs, they may not be able to execute your project well either.

At Scrappy Apparel, we use SROQUE Technology (a.k.a. some of the most cutting-edge machinery on the market). Our top-of-the-line equipment can handle oversized prints with ease, so you can rest assured that your large format screen printing project will go off without a hitch.

Unexpected large format screen printing challenges and how to overcome them

Like anything in life, large format screen printing comes with its own set of challenges. Here are a few you might encounter—and how to overcome them.

The design is too small for the shirt.

Designs often don’t look proportionate when they’re printed on an oversized garment, so it’s important to resize your design accordingly.

If you’re not sure how to resize your design, our team can help! We’ll make sure your large format screen printing project looks like a dream.

Oversized prints can be tricky to register.

When you’re printing large designs, it’s important to make sure each color is perfectly aligned. Oversized designs can be difficult to line up correctly, but our team of experts has years of experience printing large format designs. We’ll make sure your design is perfectly registered so it looks flawless.

You might need more ink than you think.

When you’re printing large, your ink needs will be different than when you’re printing small. Oversized designs often require more ink to get full coverage, so it’s important to take that into account when you’re budgeting for your project.

Our large format screen printing process

Now that you know what type of large format screen printing you want, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of how it works. Here’s a quick overview:

1. You request your free quote from us.

Just like magic—within 24 business hours, you’ll receive a detailed estimate. Totally free, no strings attached.

2. You’ll meet your Scrappy Sales Rep, who will finalize your project details.

Larger-than-life prints need some extra TLC. We’ll work with you to make sure every detail of your project is perfect. If you’re not sure what size or level of detail to go with, don’t worry—your Scrappy Sales Rep will help you decide.

3. We’ll reveal your pre-production layouts that show exactly how your design will look when it’s printed.

This is a crucial step in the process because t-shirts are like canvases—and we want to make sure your large format screen printing project looks exactly the way you envisioned it. We’ll work together to make sure your design is on point before it goes to print.

4. We’ll produce your order and ship it straight to your door

Once your order is complete, we’ll fold it, polybag it, and package it up. T-shirts that are large and in charge deserve the royal treatment, which is why we take extra care when shipping large format screen printing orders.

Ready to choose us to be your large format screen printing partners?

At Scrappy Apparel, we specialize in oversize, jumbo, monster, and all over screen printing.

If you’re looking for a team of experts to help you with your next big project, look no further than Scrappy Apparel. We have the experience, equipment, and passion to execute large format screen printing projects flawlessly—and we’re always up for a challenge.

We’ll treat your large format screen printing project like the WOW-worthy event it is. It’s not every day that you get to print large—so when you do, make sure to do it right.

Let’s get started: Grab Your Free Quote

custom screen print shirts

How to Host a Giveaway to Promote Your Custom Screen Print Shirts

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If you think social media giveaways are so 2019, think again.

In 2022, giveaways are still in—and they can work wonders for your apparel brand.

You might be wondering why it makes sense to give away your custom apparel for free if your goal is to actually make money from selling it.

The answer is simple: social media giveaways are an effective way to generate interest in your brand and get people talking about your custom screen print shirts.

When done right, a social media giveaway can help you build an engaged following, increase brand awareness, and even drive sales.

(Custom screen print shirts make great prizes!)

To help you get started, we’ve put together a step-by-step guide on how to host a social media giveaway to promote your custom screen print shirts.

screen print shirts

1. Eyes on the prize (a.k.a. your giveaway prize)

First things first, you need to decide what you’re going to give away.

You can start with your custom t-shirts. But if you want to mix things up, you could also consider giving away other items from your apparel line or merchandise from your online store.

Want to know which prize will excite your audience the most?

Simple. Just take a look at your analytics to see which apparel items are the most popular with your target audience.


2. Your game, your rules

Once you’ve decided on a prize, it’s time to set up the rules for your social media giveaway.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Make sure the entry requirements are easy to follow.

The last thing you want is for people to get frustrated and give up before they even enter.

Choose a timeframe that makes sense for your brand and audience.

A good rule of thumb is to run your giveaway for 1-2 weeks.

Decide how you’re going to select a winner.

You can use a random number generator or have people vote on their favorite custom screen print shirt design.

Let your audience know exactly when and where you will announce the winner.

By turning the announcement into its own event, you’ll build even more excitement around your giveaway.

social media giveaway

3. First impressions do matter

Once you have the logistics sorted, it’s time to start promoting your giveaway. Eye-catching visuals are your friend.

Think about it—when was the last time you entered a social media giveaway that didn’t have an attractive image or video accompanying it?


So, take some time to create visuals that will grab people’s attention and make them want to learn more about your custom apparel.

Stunning promotional graphics will attract more people so they can see the most important artwork of all—your t-shirt designs.

promote your giveaway

4. Tell everyone and their mother about your giveaway

Now that you have everything in place, it’s time to start promoting your social media giveaway.

Here are a few ways to get the word out:

Share your custom graphic across all of your social media channels.

Every platform counts—so, make sure to post about your giveaway on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and any other platform where your target audience hangs out.

We also recommend converting your custom graphic into a video or animation because short-form video content performs the best on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

You don’t need to be an Adobe Premiere or After Effects pro to make videos.

You can even use Canva to make quick vertical videos to promote your giveaway on social media.

Make sure to use relevant hashtags so people can easily find your giveaway.

We recommend using hashtags that are specific to your niche, industry, and location.

You should also create a branded hashtag that is unique to your giveaway.

Branded hashtags will help you create hype and track the success of your social media campaign.

Promote your giveaway in your email newsletter.

Email is still one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. So, make sure to promote your custom screen print shirt giveaway in your next newsletter.

Use paid social media ads to give your giveaway some extra reach.

If you have a budget for your campaign, consider using paid social media ads to promote your giveaway.

Paid ads will help you reach a wider audience and significantly increase your chances of success.

If you decide to run a campaign on Facebook or Instagram, make sure you review the rules for promoting giveaways on each platform. You don’t want to accidentally breach any of their guidelines.

Reach out to influencers in your niche and ask them to share your giveaway with their audience.

Many influencers will want to be compensated for their work, but there are also many who are happy to share your content with their audience in exchange for exposure—especially if they think their followers will love your apparel designs. It never hurts to ask!

announce the winner

5. Make the big announcement!

Once the timeframe for your social media giveaway has come to an end, it’s time to select a winner.

If you’re using a random number generator, simply choose a number at random and announce the winner on your social media channels.

Or, if you decided to ask people to vote on their favorite custom screen print shirt design, tally up the votes and announce the winning design.

Make sure you thank all the participants for taking the time to enter your giveaway.

You should also consider running another social media giveaway in the future to keep your followers engaged and excited about your brand.

manufacture your custom apparel design

Ready to manufacture your viral-worthy apparel design?

As you probably know, we can help with that!

But why choose us?

Here are just a few of the many reasons why Scrappy is the best custom apparel partner for your brand:

  • Our estimates are free and 100% transparent. (No hidden fees!)
  • We source the highest-quality materials for our garments.
  • Our Scrappy Sales Reps are friendly, professional, and knowledgeable. They will answer all your questions about your project.
  • Scrappy Apparel’s Brand Building Process (BBP) takes all the stress out of custom apparel manufacturing so you can focus on your business.
  • Our shipping is quick and always on time. (Never, ever late!)
  • We offer free shipping to the USA.

Sounds fantastic? Let’s get your project rolling:

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plastisol printing

The Pros and Cons of Plastisol Printing

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We get it—choosing the right ink can be tough. With all of the options out there in the custom apparel universe, it’s hard to know which one is right for your project.

Plastisol ink is by far the most popular choice for screen printing, and for good reason. This type of ink is durable, versatile, and relatively easy to use, making it a solid choice for all kinds of custom apparel projects.

So, is plastisol the move? Well, it depends on what’s most important to you. There is no such thing as the perfect ink. Each option has its benefits and drawbacks.

That’s why we’re going to go over the pros and cons of plastisol printing so you can make the right ink choice for your next screen printing project.

What is plastisol printing?

Like the name implies, plastisol printing is a type of screen printing that uses plastisol inks. These inks are made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and plasticizers, making them thicker and more opaque than water-based inks. Plastisol inks are the most commonly used inks for screen printing due to their versatility and ease of use.

How plastisol printing works

Plastisol inks are applied to the garment using a screen printing process. A screen is created for each color that needs to be printed. The ink is then pushed through the screen onto the garment. Once the ink has been applied, it needs to be cured (a.k.a. set) with heat in order to become permanent.

Where plastisol ink came from

Plastisol ink was first developed decades ago as an alternative to water-based inks. These inks were created to be used on non-porous surfaces like plastic and glass. However, screen printers soon discovered that plastisol inks could also be used on fabric. Plastisol inks quickly became the standard for screen printing.

The pros of plastisol printing

There’s a reason why plastisol is one of the most popular types of ink to use for screen printing. Here are a few reasons to choose plastisol ink:

Plastisol inks are versatile.

They can be printed on a variety of different fabrics, including 100% cotton and blends.

Plastisol inks are highly opaque.

One of the biggest advantages of plastisol inks is that they can be printed on any color fabric. This is because the ink is so opaque that it will completely cover up the color of the fabric underneath. They can also be printed over dark fabrics and still produce vibrant results.

You can print fine details with plastisol inks.

Plastisol inks are thick, which means they can hold onto the intricacies in your design. This makes them a great choice for printing artwork with a lot of small details.

Plastisol inks are durable.

Once cured, plastisol inks are very tough and can withstand a lot of wear and tear. You can wash plastisol-printed garments over and over again without worrying about the image fading or cracking.

Plastisol is less expensive than many other inks.

If you’re looking to save some money on your t-shirt printing, plastisol inks are a good option. It is one of the most affordable types of ink to use.

It’s easy to get an exact Pantone match with plastisol.

When you need an exact color match, plastisol inks are up to the task. You can find Pantone-matched inks that will produce results that are true to the color you need.

Many specialty inks are derived from plastisol.

If you’re looking for a particular effect, like glow-in-the-dark or metallic ink, chances are it’s made from plastisol. This is because these inks need to be very opaque and durable.

The cons of plastisol printing

Plastisol inks are not as eco-friendly as their alternatives.

Plastisol inks can be harmful to the environment if they are not disposed of properly.

Plastisol inks are not as breathable as water-based inks.

Hot weather can be uncomfortable enough without having to worry about your t-shirt sticking to your skin. If you live in a hot climate, or if you plan on doing a lot of physical activity in your plastisol-printed shirt, you might want to consider another type of ink.

Plastisol inks have a heavier hand feel.

By “hand feel,” we mean the way the ink feels on the fabric. Plastisol inks tend to have a thicker, heavier feel than water-based inks. This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your preferences. Some people like the way plastisol inks feel, while others find them to be too heavy.

How to know if plastisol ink is right for your project

Now that you know the pros and cons of plastisol inks, you can decide if they’re right for your project. Here are a few factors to keep in mind:

The type of fabric you’re printing on

Plastisol inks work well on a variety of different fabrics, including 100% cotton and blends. If you’re not sure what type of fabric your shirt is made from, ask your printer or look it up online.

The color of the fabric you’re printing on

As we mentioned before, plastisol inks are highly opaque. This means they can be printed on any color fabric, including dark colors. Other types of ink are not always as versatile, but plastisol will work well regardless of the color of your garment.

The design you’re printing

Plastisol inks are thick, which means they can produce detailed designs easily. If you’re looking to print a design with a lot of small details, plastisol inks are a good choice.

The climate you (or your target customers) live in

If you live in a hot climate, or if you see your shirt enduring a lot of outdoor activity, you might want to consider another type of ink. Plastisol inks are not as breathable as water-based inks, so they might not be the most comfortable choice in these situations.

Your budget

Plastisol inks are less expensive than many other types of inks, so they’re a solid choice if you are looking for a cost-effective ink.

Your printing priorities

Everyone has priorities—in life and in screen printing.

TBH, your ink choice will come down to what matters the most to you.

If you need an exact color match, or if you’re looking to print a design with a lot of small details, you can’t go wrong with plastisol inks.

However, if you’re looking for an eco-friendly option, you might want to consider another type of ink.

plastisol ink vs. water-based ink

Common alternatives to plastisol ink

If you decide not to use plastisol ink, water-based and discharge inks are solid alternatives. Let’s look at the pros and cons of each:

The pros of water-based inks

Water-based inks are slightly more eco-friendly.

Since they do not contain PVC, they don’t have as many harsh chemicals.

Water-based inks are breathable.

They allow air to flow through the fabric, making them more comfortable to wear in warm weather. Water-based inks are also less likely to cause skin irritation.

Water-based inks have a softer hand feel.

If you’re looking for a shirt that’s soft to the touch, water-based inks are great. The ink is absorbed into the fabric, resulting in a softer feel.

The cons of water-based inks

Water-based inks are less opaque.

They are not as good at covering up dark fabrics or prints with a lot of detail. If you need a shirt that is truly opaque, water-based inks might not be the right choice.

Water-based inks can be more expensive.

It’s up to you to decide if the price tag is worth it for the benefits of water-based inks.

Pros of discharge inks

If you’re into the vintage look, discharge is the way to go.

Discharge inks produce a softer, more vintage print that has been “faded” into the fabric.

Discharge prints never crack or peel.

This printing method actually dyes the fabric, so you don’t have to worry about the image cracking or peeling over time.

Discharge inks are more eco-friendly.

Like water-based inks, they are made with water-based pigments. They are also PVC-free, which is why many eco-conscious companies choose discharge inks.

Like water-based inks, discharge inks produce a softer hand feel for each garment.

Discharge screen printing results in beautiful artwork that is soft to the touch.

Cons of discharge inks

Discharge inks can be more expensive.

For exact pricing on all of our inks, request a free quote from our team.

If you’re looking for an opaque print, discharge inks are not the way to go.

Discharge inks produce a unique vintage look for t-shirts. If you want 100% opaque colors, plastisol ink would be a better choice for your project.

No matter what type of ink you choose, make sure you work with a custom apparel partner who knows what they’re doing. With the right partner, you’ll be able to create custom apparel that looks great and lasts.

How to get the most out of your plastisol prints

If you’ve decided to use plastisol inks for your next project, there are a few actions you can take to ensure that your prints turn out the way you imagined they would:

Choose the right plastisol ink.

There are many different types of plastisol inks on the market. Make sure you choose an ink that is specifically designed for the type of garment you’re printing on. If you choose a savvy custom apparel partner, they can advise you on which ink to use for your project.

Work with an experienced screen printer.

Screen printing with plastisol inks is not as easy as it looks. Make sure you work with a partner who has experience printing with this type of ink.

If you work with an inexperienced company, you run the risk of getting poor-quality prints that crack and peel over time (and that would be a custom apparel disaster!)

Follow care instructions for your garments.

Plastisol inks are durable, but they do require some special care. For example, you should avoid ironing directly on the print. Follow the care instructions for your garments to ensure that your prints last.

Plastisol printing has its pros and cons, but it can be a great option for custom apparel. With the right partner, you can create luxury-level prints that are durable and comfortable.

Why Scrappy Apparel is the right choice for your plastisol printing project

We have over 16 years of experience printing with plastisol inks.

Our team of expert printers will work with you to manufacture garments that look phenomenal and stand the test of time.

We source only the highest-quality inks that are specifically designed for the garments we print on.

We have a strict quality control process to ensure that every garment we print meets our high standards.

We have a team of experienced screen printers who will ensure that your project turns out great.

Seriously, we’re the dream team. Plastisol printing is like the ABCs to our seasoned experts.

Our Brand Building Process (BBP) is the best in the game.

We’ll work with you from start to finish to ensure that your plastisol printing project is a success. Our stress-free process empowers you to focus on what you do best (a.k.a. creating dope apparel designs) while we do all the heavy lifting for you.

We source the best fabrics and inks for our customers, and we complete the manufacturing of each garment from start to finish.

All you have to do is request your free quote and send us your project details. We will take care of the rest!

We ship free to the USA.

You read that right.

Our passion for custom apparel shows in our work.

When you partner with Scrappy Apparel, you’re partnering with a company that cares. Every single detail matters to us, and we’ll work with you to create custom apparel that you’re proud to wear and sell.

Our orders arrive on time.

Time is of the essence, and we know you have deadlines to meet. That’s why we guarantee that your order will arrive on time (or early).

We offer free quotes that are 100% transparent. (No hidden fees!)

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