
Meet The Owners

Grant and Chris met in college while playing soccer at West Virginia University (WVU). They started Scrappy Apparel Company in the West End of Atlanta, GA, in 2006 and have been friends ever since.

Grant Kevins

Chris Berena

About Us

Scrappy Apparel Company is a team of apparel experts who are ready to supercharge your brand with manufacturing, fulfillment, and supply chain management solutions.

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Who's better at soccer, Grant or Chris?

It's a close call! Grant claims he can slice up anyone at any time with his arsenal of dribbling moves, and Chris claims he can score goals at will. However, they are both defenders, and past data shows they didn't score many goals at all.

How did Grant and Chris come up with their company mascot?

They both agreed that a honey badger best represented their never-give-up attitude after watching one too many nature documentaries during late-night brainstorming sessions.