What is Meme Marketing and How Can Apparel Brands Use It?

30 Dec, 2022 By Samantha Warren 387 Views

Think about your favorite meme. Whether it’s a timeless classic like The Most Interesting Man in the World, or something more recent, like the Corn Kid, memes have become ubiquitous in our culture, crossing language and generational barriers.

Chances are, you’ve seen your favorite memes shared all over social media. That’s the power of a meme: it can go viral instantly and receive hundreds or thousands of shares in just a few days.

But memes are more than just fun and games. They can be used as powerful marketing tools to reach a wide audience and promote products. This type of marketing is known as meme marketing, and apparel brands can use it to their advantage.

Today, we’ll explore how apparel brands can use meme marketing to reach their target audience. We’ll also look at some of the potential risks and pitfalls associated with meme marketing, so you can make sure you’re using this strategy in a way that will be beneficial.

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What Gives Memes Their Viral Potential?

Laughter is contagious. People love to laugh and share a joke, especially if it’s clever or relatable. A good meme is often both of these things.

Memes also can bridge language barriers by using simple images and symbols that everyone can understand. This makes them accessible across cultures, making them all the more effective in marketing campaigns.

Also, consider user intent on social media. When you think about how people use social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, it’s easy to see why memes are so popular. People scroll quickly through their feeds, and images of jokes or funny situations often catch the eye more than a traditional advertisement.

With just a few taps, people can share memes in seconds. This quick action, combined with the potential for a meme to go viral, is why many brands have begun to use them as part of their marketing efforts.

The meme world is ever-evolving, so staying on top of trends and being strategic when creating a meme marketing campaign is essential.

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Types of Memes You Can Create

Memes have become essential to modern communication, allowing for meaningful conversations and creative expression. With the right approach and creativity, you can create sensational memes that capture the attention of your target audience.

From fun GIFs to illustrated puns and quote cards, there are countless types of memes that you can use to create viral content on social media.

Reusing Trendy or Viral Memes

In addition to creating your own memes, you also can use existing memes related to your brand or product. This is a great way to tap into national trends or viral memes that have already had success in spreading throughout the internet.

When using existing memes, you’ll want to make sure you stay true to the original meaning. For instance, if you decide to use a popular meme that already has an established relationship with your audience, you’ll want to make sure you don’t alter it in any way. Doing so could lead to confusion or frustration among your followers, which is the last thing you want.

Original Memes

Creating your own meme can be an excellent way to show off your brand’s unique personality and sense of humor. It allows your audience to get to know you better, as well as express their own reactions in the comments.

Although creating an original meme is a great way to differentiate yourself, it also can be difficult and time-consuming. It requires an understanding of what your target audience likes, and you’ll need to be creative to capture their attention.

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Best Practices For Meme Making

Creating viral memes for your apparel brand is a great way to increase visibility and reach a broader audience. Here are a few tips for creating effective memes that can be used in apparel marketing campaigns:

Start with a Strong Understanding of Your Target Audience

We can’t emphasize enough how important this step is. By knowing who you’re speaking to, you can create memes that resonate with that audience. After all, your grandfather and your 16-year-old cousin would probably have different ideas of what’s funny and what’s not.

Keep the Message Simple and Clear

If you use too many words, your message will get lost. Try to make the message of your meme simple and clear, so your audience can understand it in a single glance. This also helps to ensure that your message is taken in the way you intended it.

Make Sure Your Meme is Easy To Understand

Make sure the meme is easy to read, with clear images and text. Be mindful of jargon or industry-specific language. If your targeting is on point, little “inside jokes” for your industry can be a great way to engage your audience, but if the meme is too confusing, it won’t be effective.

Choose the Right Image and Font

The image you choose for your meme is essential. It needs to grab attention and make people stop scrolling through their news feeds for a second or two.

Also, pay close attention to the fonts you use. Just be sure that they’re legible, and preferably not too small. Most memes have a simple design. (Like, think really simple.) You don’t have to use 10 different fonts and 20 filters to make a successful meme.

Be Creative but Not Over-the-Top

Memes are a great way to be creative, but you don’t want to cross the line. Defining the line between funny and offensive can be tricky, so it’s best to err on the side of caution.

Viral marketing can turn into a PR nightmare if handled poorly. Your message should be humorous, but not risqué or socially insensitive.

Don’t forget that your meme is meant to promote your brand and its message. Keep it cool. Don’t be too edgy. If your meme is so out there that people don’t get the reference or the message, it will not do its job.

Monitor Your Meme Metrics

Meme metrics matter, too!

Even though meme-making is fun, it’s a still strategy for your brand at the end of the day. Once you’ve created your meme and shared it with the world, you need to monitor its performance.

  • Do people share it?
  • Is it reaching the right people?
  • Are there any conversations around the meme that could lead to further engagement or sales?

Here’s a tip: when a meme performs well, repurpose it! You should create memes that take the same approach or the same concept, but use different images and text to keep the conversation going.

By monitoring your performance and getting feedback from your audience, you can adjust your approach and find out what works for your brand.

Need an Apparel Manufacturer You Can Count On?

Creating meme-worthy apparel is an awesome way to make your brand stand out. But first you need an experienced manufacturer that can bring your ideas to life!

At Scrappy Apparel, we’ve been helping brands create high-quality custom apparel for over 16 years. Our services include screen printing, sublimation, embroidery, and custom cut & sew manufacturing.

We want to be a true partner in your brand’s success. You bring the ideas, and we’ll make them!

Ready to Begin Your Project?

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