case study the faction atl

Scrappy Success Story: The Faction ATL

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At Scrappy Apparel, we love working with people who are making a difference in the world. The Faction ATL is an organization for soccer coaches, players, and parents who are passionate about Atlanta United and soccer in general.

In addition to providing resources and support for Atlanta soccer, The Faction ATL gives back to the community in other ways. They support the Fugees Academy, an organization that works to improve education for refugee students in the U.S.

We work with The Faction ATL to provide high-quality apparel for their merch store and other needs. We are proud to be their manufacturer.

We had the privilege of interviewing Kevin Kinley, Co-Founder of The Faction ATL, to learn more about the organization and his vision for soccer in the Atlanta area.

In this interview, Kevin talks about how The Faction ATL got started, what makes them unique, and his hopes for the future of soccer in Atlanta. He also dives into why supporting the Fugees Academy is an integral part of their mission. Keep reading to find out what Kevin had to say!

Interview with Kevin Kinley

Co-Founder of The Faction ATL

Q: Hey, Kevin. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us about The Faction ATL today. On your website, you state that “soccer is more than a game.” Can you expand on that?

A: The sport of soccer is global and transcends differences between people to unite them. It brings people together in so many ways: energizing fans in a stadium, hugging someone you don’t know, volunteering for just causes, coaching kids for life…the waves of unity are endless.

Many feel that soccer is a game on the field, but more know that soccer is a way of life that can change and shape individuals and the world.

the faction atl

Q: As Co-Founder of The Faction ATL, what is one of your primary goals in leading the organization?

A: Our organization has a mission of using sports to help develop youth character and the language of soccer to promote tolerance, inclusivity, and the value of collaboration in achieving success.

My primary goal is to connect as many projects, activities, communication, and events as we have to that mission.

Q: How does merch contribute to your overall marketing strategy?

A: The word “faction” means a group within another group with different ideas. The merchandise we produce has to project our meaning.

We created our group because the idea of having a supporter group consisting of players, coaches, and parents didn’t exist. The subtle differences in design down the back of the neck and the custom label printed on the shirt define who we are.

the faction atl t-shirt

Q: What inspired the design of The Faction 2023 T-Shirt?

A: Our designers are Faction members. The design was inspired by the five stripes of the club we support, Atlanta United, and a unique wood motif.

Q: We’d love to hear about how you give back to the Fugees Academy. Why did you choose that cause to support?

A: All organizations we support must align with our mission. We chose the Fugees Academy in the very beginning because they are a shining example of doing good. We believe wholeheartedly in the Fugees Academy mission to level the playing field for refugee and new American students by empowering them to become independent thinkers, high-achieving scholars, and productive citizens.

Q: How did you first hear about Scrappy Apparel?

A: My good friend coached Scrappy’s founder years ago, and I remembered him. We reconnected and found that we had so much in common.

Q: Why did you decide to work with us?

A: Scrappy is different, like us. We believe in working with like-minded companies that care about their product or service.

Q: What is your favorite part about working with Scrappy Apparel?

A: Our favorite part is opening up that box of new shirts and knowing it’s going to be kick ass!

Q: One more question before we wrap up:

How can our readers support The Faction ATL?

A: Readers can support us by joining us as a member or donating directly through us for the Fugees Academy at

Are You Looking For a Reliable Apparel Manufacturer For Your Organization?

We are always excited to work with businesses and nonprofits that share our values. If you decide to work with us, we promise to provide luxury-level apparel that arrives on time and looks exactly as you imagined it would. No surprises—only results!

Ready to Begin Your Project?

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ai artwork

AI Artwork: Is It the Future of Apparel Design?

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Have you seen the recent trend of computer-generated images on social media? It began when the Lensa AI app went viral for creating “magic avatars.”

lensa ai

You can feed this new artificial intelligence (AI) program a few images of yourself (or any person, for that matter) and receive a set of unique, stylized avatars that have an uncanny resemblance to the images you submitted. Pretty crazy, right?

Artwork that once took designers hours of effort and time can now be produced fairly quickly with AI.

So, the real question is: can apparel designers leverage this technology to increase productivity and create photorealistic designs in seconds?

AI is a hot topic now, but it’s also a controversial one. While AI has been used in the fashion industry for trend forecasting, it has yet to play a major role in apparel design.

Some worry that using AI-generated designs will lead to a lack of creativity and make all designs look the same. Some people are concerned about whether AI artwork is ethical and fair to designers.

On the other hand, advocates for AI believe it can save fashion designers time and resources by automating repetitive tasks so humans can focus on higher-level creative work.

No matter how you feel about AI, it’s clear that it will become a more prominent player in the fashion world in the coming years.

Keeping an open mind, let’s take a closer look at:

  • The history and current use of AI in apparel design
  • The growth of the AI market
  • How AI generates artwork
  • The ethical implications of using AI
  • The best ways to manufacture your AI designs

As AI becomes more integrated into our lives, the possibilities are endless. With a little imagination, AI artwork can be a powerful tool in the apparel designer’s arsenal.

nike footwear

The History and Current Use of AI in Apparel Design

AI artwork began to gain traction when digital art techniques, such as fractal art and generative design, became more accessible.

Generative design, in particular, has played a major role in the rise of AI artwork. Generative design is a process in which an algorithm creates and selects a range of options based on predetermined parameters.

These days, AI is used extensively in the fashion industry for trend forecasting and analysis. Some apparel brands have leaned into the online space to produce digital apparel that reflects real-life trends. AI-generated artwork has been successfully used for apparel campaigns, such as these sneaker designs from Nike.

Luxury fashion brands have started using AI artwork for their apparel lines. This technology allows brands to design quickly and become more creative, showing that the future of apparel design is digital.

Growth of the AI Market

The exact percentage of companies that use AI artwork to create garments is difficult to determine. However, the current market for artificial intelligence continues to grow daily, with expectations to hit a value of nearly $1.6 trillion by 2030.

More than 60% of companies in the United States are using AI technology. As more companies become aware of the potential benefits of using AI, they will adopt the technology for their own use.

How AI Generates Artwork

Wondering how AI works its magic? We were too, so we did some research. AI artwork is created in two ways: automated and interactive.

  • Automated AI artwork uses a predefined set of rules to generate art. The Lensa AI magic avatars are an example of this. These works of art are rendered using algorithms that determine the shapes, colors, and textures used in each piece. The images created are usually highly detailed and photorealistic.
  • Interactive AI artwork is created by users who interact with the software to create their own designs. This type of artwork allows designers to explore possibilities they might not have thought of on their own. The software responds to input in real time. The user can adjust elements like shape, color, and texture until they’ve created something truly unique.

Regardless of the approach used, AI artwork is often highly abstract and creative. However, not everyone believes AI is a good thing.

The Ethical Implications of Using AI

Using AI artwork can be beneficial for the fashion industry, but it has some ethical implications as well. Here are some of the most common arguments against AI:

Some Worry That AI Will Eventually Replace Human Designers

This is unlikely to happen any time soon. Although AI can generate artwork quickly, we still need humans to interpret the data and decide how it should be used for apparel design.

AI-Generated Artwork Could Infringe Upon Intellectual Property Rights

Another potential ethical concern is that AI artwork could infringe upon existing intellectual property rights. AI, when used correctly, can generate original artwork without violating any copyright laws.

However, there is the potential for AI to produce designs that are too similar to another designer’s artwork, especially if it uses that designer’s work as a source of reference.

The Regulatory Framework Around AI is Unclear

As technology develops, governments will need to create regulations that protect both consumers and creators. We’re not sure what that will look like, so some people are still wary of AI-produced artwork.

Creators and companies that use AI for apparel design should take the necessary steps to ensure their artwork is distinctive and original. Instead of using AI to directly copy existing designs, consider using it as a tool for inspiration and guidance.

Want to Manufacture Your AI Designs?

The best printing methods to use for photorealistic designs are simulated process screen printing and sublimation printing.

Why? Here’s a breakdown of these two processes and why they’re especially beneficial for AI-generated artwork:

simulated process

Simulated Process Screen Printing

Simulated process screen printing uses a halftone image to create high-resolution, photorealistic prints. The colors are printed in dots so small that the eye can’t detect them individually.

This method allows for accurate color reproduction. Traditional screen printing works best with a limited color palette, but simulated process is an alternative for people who want to screen print a photorealistic design.

If you’re dead set on screen printing your garments, simulated process helps you reproduce detailed artwork without compromising on resolution or quality.

sublimation Sublimation Printing

Sublimation is another effective printing method for AI artwork. We recommend it for designs with high levels of detail because it allows for precise and accurate reproduction.

Sublimation printing creates vibrant prints that last for years. It’s also a great option to create all-over prints because it allows you to print on the entire garment surface.

One important thing you should know about sublimation printing is that it doesn’t work well on cotton. Sublimation works best on polyester garments, so you will need to choose a different printing method if you want to produce your design on a cotton garment.

Why Choose Scrappy Apparel As Your Manufacturer?

Our team has decades of experience in both screen printing and sublimation. If you’re not sure which approach is best for your project, our team will be happy to speak with you and help you decide.

We source the highest-quality materials, including luxury-level cotton and polyester. Our team uses advanced technologies to produce prints that exceed industry standards.

We offer price breaks for bulk orders and fast turnaround times so you can get your apparel to market quickly.

Whether you need 100 garments or 10,000, you can count on us to deliver—on time, every single time.

Ready to Begin Your Project?

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netflix wednesday

How Netflix’s Wednesday Resurrected the Gothic Look

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Wednesday Addams, the iconic character from The Addams Family and the 2022 Netflix hit series Wednesday, has returned as a fashion icon for goth culture.

Channeling her dark and mysterious persona, Wednesday graces our Instagram feeds with artfully-crafted looks that bring back the spirit of classic goth style. From her signature braided pigtails to her black dresses and combat boots, Wednesday shows us how to embrace our inner quirkiness and make it chic.

With the help of this influential player in pop culture, the classic goth look is making a comeback with an even darker edge.

Culture shapes fashion. By watching Wednesday Addams take center stage, we get to experience a shift in fashion that is both fresh and timeless. It teaches us how to make the most of our style by taking inspiration from different eras and styles.

So, what does this mean for clothing brands?

Wednesday Addams’ clothing choices offer us an opportunity to put a new spin on the classic goth look, reviving it in a modern and exciting way. Especially for streetwear brands, the Wednesday Addams fashion influence makes a great opportunity to offer unique products that are still on-trend.

Today, we will explore some ways that brands can ride the wave of the Wednesday Addams trend and lean into the resurgence of goth fashion. We’ll also discuss how to make sure your brand stays true to its identity while keeping up with the latest trends.

The Mysterious Origins of Gothic Fashion

Although the earliest influences of the goth subculture come from the Romanticism movement, you can trace its modern roots back to the 1960s and 1970s. Rockers like The Doors, Siouxsie and the Banshees, and Bauhaus were pioneers in the gothic subculture, inspiring a dark and mysterious aesthetic with their music.

At the time, gothic clothing primarily consisted of dark colors like black and purple, along with dramatic silhouettes.

Today’s version of goth fashion draws heavily from its punk roots, while also incorporating a range of influences from other eras. From Victorian-inspired lace and ruffles to contemporary streetwear, gothic fashion continues to evolve and take on different forms.

In a way, Wednesday Addams has become an unlikely leader in this movement—a symbol of authenticity and self-expression that resonates with people from all walks of life.


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A post shared by Wednesday Netflix (@wednesdaynetflix)

Wednesday Addams: From Rebel Spirit To Goth Greatness

After the first episode of Wednesday dropped on Nov. 23, 2022, the series went mega-viral—and we’re not just saying that, either. Within the first three weeks of its release, the series received over 1 billion hours of watch time.

Since then, people around the world have been obsessed with the series and its lead character’s signature style. Wednesday Addams has become a symbol of fierce independence, rebellious spirit, and independent style.

She is a masterful mix of bad-assery and feminine energy—a figure who could be both vulnerable and tough, rejecting traditional gender roles with her punk aesthetic.

Her look has inspired a whole generation of young women who have made goth fashion their own—and that’s why Wednesday Addams has been embraced by the fashion industry as an icon of goth style.


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A post shared by Wednesday Netflix (@wednesdaynetflix)

How Clothing Brands Can Take Advantage of the Wednesday Addams Trend

Now that we understand how Wednesday Addams and her gothic style have impacted the fashion industry, let’s discuss how apparel brands can take advantage of this trend.

girl with skull t-shirt

Put a Modern Twist on a Classic Look

The key is to design clothes that honor the traditional gothic look while still being modern and relevant. For example, a streetwear brand could take inspiration from the goth color palette and use those colors in a modern silhouette. Black, grey, and burgundy can create an edgy yet contemporary street style outfit.

street style

Incorporate Gothic Elements in an Unexpected Way

An interesting way for a streetwear brand to embrace the Wednesday Addams trend is to use gothic elements in unexpected ways. For example, designs that feature traditionally gothic elements such as skulls, crosses, and spiders in unexpected places like the collars or back pockets of shirts or jackets. This creates an eye-catching look that’s sure to draw attention.

Focus on Quality and Details

Finally, when creating pieces inspired by the Wednesday Addams trend, it’s important to remember that quality is key. Clothing brands should focus on using high-quality fabrics and paying attention to the details of their designs. The goal should be to create pieces that are unique, well-made, and stylish.

brand store

Feel the quality of our garments by ordering samples from our Brand Store.

But Wait—Which Products Should You Create?

Wednesday might wear black and white collared dresses, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should sell those (unless that’s the vibe you’re going for).

Instead, focus on creating pieces that are versatile and wearable. Think t-shirts, hoodies, and other basics with goth elements sprinkled in.

At Scrappy Apparel, we’re ready to bring your wildest ideas to life. We specialize in custom apparel manufacturing, and we can help you create pieces that embody the spirit of Wednesday’s gothic style.

We can help you produce quality garments that fit into one of the following categories:

  • T-Shirts
  • Long Sleeve T-Shirts
  • Tank Tops
  • Crewneck Sweatshirts
  • Hoodies
  • Zip Up Hoodies

If you’re looking to create unconventional apparel for the modern trendsetter, we’re the ones to call!

By creating clothing inspired by the Wednesday Addams trend, you can tap into the power of self-expression and individuality she represents. Encourage customers to create their own unique look and feel empowered to be themselves—just like Wednesday!

Shape the Future of Fashion With Scrappy Apparel

Wednesday Addams is here to stay. (Well, at least for a while.) If you plan to take advantage of this trend, you’ll need a reliable, experienced manufacturing partner.

At Scrappy Apparel, we take care of all the heavy lifting for you. We source materials, develop garment patterns, and manufacture the end product. Our team is committed to providing superior products that your customers will be proud to wear.

Let’s work together to create timeless pieces that will help shape the future of fashion for years to come!

Ready to Begin Your Project?

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dopamine dressing

Dopamine Dressing: How Clothing Inspires Happiness

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Have you ever experienced a surge of excitement when you put on your favorite outfit? Believe it or not, this feeling may be attributed to a phenomenon called dopamine dressing.

Dopamine dressing is the concept that wearing certain items of clothing can stimulate the release of dopamine in the brain. If you own an apparel brand, this could mean you have the power to create an experience that instantly boosts moods and inspires happy feelings. (We all need more of that!)

Today, we will explore:

  • What dopamine is
  • The science behind dopamine dressing
  • How you can use this information to boost apparel sales (and spread more positivity!)

Let’s get to the good stuff.

What is Dopamine?

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter found in the brain that plays an important role in motivation, reward processes, and mood regulation. It is often referred to as the “feel-good” chemical because it is released when we experience something pleasurable or rewarding.

Its effects are responsible for the desired outcome when we eat chocolate or watch a movie we enjoy—the dopamine in our brain is what makes us feel good.

The Science Behind Dopamine Dressing

Dr. Dawnn Karen coined the term “dopamine dressing” in her book, Dress Your Best Life. In it, she explains how the clothing we wear can affect our moods.

The idea is that certain garments can trigger a release of dopamine in our brains when worn, making us feel good and even more confident. Clothing with bright or bold colors is thought to be especially effective because they have been proven to attract attention and boost self-esteem.

Since its discovery, the dopamine dressing phenomenon has gone viral on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram… basically everywhere. The trend inspired Sohan from BuzzFeedOz to try it out for three days.

“Even though there’s no occasion, I am the occasion,” she said as she strutted around her neighborhood wearing bright, bold hues. And after just three days of dressing for dopamine, she claimed her mood improved and she felt more confident.

How to Leverage the Dopamine Dressing Trend Strategically

Now that you understand the science behind dopamine dressing and its potential to impact moods, it’s time to get strategic and leverage this trend for your apparel business.

Here are a few ideas:

Experiment with Bold Colors and Vibrant Patterns

Pair bright colors, such as oranges and yellows, and vibrant patterns to evoke positive emotions. This is a great way to visually attract attention and help your customers stand out from the crowd.

Highlight the Emotional Benefits of Your Products

Create advertising campaigns and content focusing on the emotional benefits of wearing your products. Focus on how wearing a particular item can make someone feel good and more confident.

Encourage Self-Expression Through Clothing

The dopamine dressing trend is about empowering people to express themselves through clothing. Encourage customers to choose pieces that make them feel confident, inspired, and excited.

You can promote self-expression by creating experiences around your products and offering styling tips. This will help customers explore different ways to wear their clothing, allowing them to express themselves more freely.

Focus on Quality Materials and Construction

By leveraging the dopamine dressing trend strategically, you can create apparel that will not only bring in profits but also spread positivity and help people feel good about themselves. It’s a win-win for everyone!

High-quality materials and construction are essential for creating apparel that will last and inspire happiness over time. When customers purchase quality items, they won’t have to replace them often and will be more likely to remember the positive feelings associated with their purchase.

What to Look For in a Manufacturing Partner

The root of the dopamine dressing trend is quality clothing. If you want to leverage the trend for your apparel business, you will need to find a manufacturing partner who can deliver on this.

When looking for a manufacturing partner to work with, there are certain criteria that you should consider. Here are a few:


Consider working with a manufacturing partner with proven experience and expertise in the apparel industry. For example, look for a partner who has samples of products that are similar to the ones you want to create.

Cost-Effective Pricing

We don’t recommend going with the cheapest manufacturer because you often get what you pay for, but it’s a great idea to choose a partner with competitive pricing for bulk orders. That way, as you scale your business up, you can minimize costs and maximize profits.

Quality Assurance

It’s crucial to find a manufacturing partner who can guarantee quality products with consistent production. Quality assurance measures such as inspections should also be in place to ensure that the products meet your standards.

Reliable Turnaround Times

Look for a manufacturing partner who can deliver on your project in the timeline you need. You don’t want to end up with a partner who can’t meet your production deadlines.

Why Choose Scrappy Apparel?

Scrappy Apparel is a leading apparel manufacturer for clothing brands and corporate apparel. We have decades of experience in the apparel industry and a proven track record for delivering luxury-level garments with fast and reliable turnaround times.

Our team of experts uses the latest in garment manufacturing technology to ensure that our customers get the highest quality apparel. We also offer price breaks for bulk orders, so you can get the most bang for your buck.

At Scrappy Apparel, we are committed to producing garments that exceed our customers’ expectations. Ready to learn more about how we can help you achieve your custom apparel goals?

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The Monster Print: Large Format Screen Printing For Bold Brands

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Some designs are destined to make a statement. Instead of confining your artwork to small print areas, why not take your brand to the next level with Scrappy Apparel’s Monster Screen Printing service?

Our large format screen printing service delivers bold, vibrant prints in larger sizes than traditional methods. We can help you make a big impact with luxurious, durable prints that everyone will be dying to wear.

You might be wondering, “Is bigger always better?” It really boils down to your goals for your project. Before we dive into the details of our Monster Screen Printing service, let’s take a look at what large format screen printing is, the pros and cons, and a few scenarios in which this method would be beneficial.

What is Large Format Screen Printing?

Honestly, it’s exactly what it sounds like. Large format screen printing involves manufacturing apparel with designs larger than those usually printed in the standard screen printing process. Most screen printing companies have a max print size of 14″ x 17.” When your design exceeds that size boundary, it’s time to look into large format printing services.

The Pros and Cons of Large Format Screen Printing

Whether you’re ordering screen printed apparel for your business, team, or event, there are a few factors to consider when deciding how large you want to print your design. Weighing the pros and cons of large format screen printing can help you decide if this method is right for your project.

The obvious benefit of printing the design larger is that it will be more visible and eye-catching, making it easier to stand out from a crowd. For example, if you’re hosting an event that is televised, you’d likely want your brand name and logo to be visible to viewers, whether they’re watching from their TV or mobile device. One way to improve visibility is to increase the size of your design.

With a larger surface area for your design, you can also print more intricate artwork. While little details might get lost in a smaller print, you can use large format printing to make sure your artwork looks sharp and clear.

The main con of large format screen printing is that it can cost more than traditional screen printing. It takes specialized equipment and processes to print a larger than normal design.

However, don’t let the cost deter you. At Scrappy Apparel, we provide a custom estimate for each project we work on. You can count on our team to help you make the right decisions for your project. We’re here to help you achieve your custom apparel goals using the most cost-effective method possible.

When Should You Use Large Format Screen Printing?

Large format screen printing is the ideal choice for any project that requires a larger than average design. Some examples include:

  • Sports teams and leagues that need team names and logos to be visible on uniforms
  • Businesses that want to make a statement with a bold logo and slogan
  • Events that require large, eye-catching designs on apparel

When you need a massive, bold design that will turn heads, The Monster Print is the perfect choice.

The 411 on Monster Screen Printing

Are you excited to print your design larger than life? We’re thrilled to be part of your project! Before you request your free estimate, here are a few details that are important to keep in mind:

Our Monster Screen Printing service has a 144-piece minimum order quantity (MOQ).

Our MOQs help us maintain the highest quality and accuracy standards for all our customers. We also offer price breaks for larger orders. Let us know if you need more than 144 pieces, and we will give you the best price possible.

You can print up to 17” x 22” with our Monster Screen Printing service.

The size of the garment will influence how large we can print the design. For example, a size small t-shirt won’t fit a 17” x 22” design, but a size 3XL hoodie might. Our team will give you an accurate estimate for maximum print size after you submit your design specifications.

When you request a “Monster” print, we will print the design as big as the smallest garment allows for the entire run of prints. It’s important to keep this in mind when designing for different sizes. When we manufacture garments, we ensure consistency in the sizing and proportions of designs. That way, no detail gets lost in the process.

We can print up to 16 colors, including photorealistic designs.

Some print shops might tell you that you must limit your design to two or three colors for screen printing projects. While this is true for traditional screen printing methods, we have an alternative!

Simulated process printing allows us to reproduce images with up to 16 colors. So, if you have a photorealistic design that you want to print massive on a t-shirt, you can count on us to make it happen!

We use only the highest quality inks and garments.

The combination of our high-grade inks and superior garments results in one thing: incredible prints that last. We refuse to cut corners when it comes to delivering the best products possible.

That’s why we use only premium inks and garments that meet our strict standards of quality. We handpick all our fabrics, inks, and garment patterns to ensure every piece we manufacture meets our rigorous quality standards. When you work with us, you can count on your prints lasting for a long time!

Why Choose Scrappy Apparel’s Monster Screen Printing Service?

If you’re wondering why you should choose Scrappy out of the thousands of screen printing companies out there, just know that we could write a book about all the reasons why—but we’re going to give you the Cliffnotes.

Large Format is Our Jam!

First of all, not many custom apparel companies even offer large format screen printing. Most screen printers don’t have the tools or resources to produce giant prints on garments. At Scrappy Apparel, we specialize in large format screen printing and have the capacity to manufacture thousands of garments without breaking a sweat.

We Are a 100% Online Custom Apparel Manufacturing Solution

For the record, we aren’t trying to compete with your local print shop. Scrappy Apparel is in an entirely different category. We are an online custom apparel manufacturer, and our goal is to make ordering custom apparel as easy, affordable, and stress-free as possible. No more waiting in lines, ordering out of catalogs, or dealing with complex order forms. Just request your free estimate on our website, and one of our incredible Scrappy Sales Reps will guide you through the rest of the ordering process!

We Produce Garments You’ll Always Be Proud Of

At Scrappy Apparel, we always go the extra mile to make sure your design looks sharp and consistent across all garments. We use advanced processes and techniques to ensure that every garment exceeds your expectations for quality, accuracy, durability… and coolness, of course.

We Are a One-Stop-Shop For Your Custom Apparel Needs

Maybe you’re just looking for a large format screen print. We can accommodate that. But what if you want a completely customized garment with embroidered details? Or perhaps you want us to use glow-in-the-dark ink with your larger-than-life design? We can do that, too!

At Scrappy, we put the “custom” in “custom apparel” by offering a variety of customizations that can truly make your garments stand out. We want you to be 100% satisfied with your order—which is why we expand our product and service offerings every year so we can keep up with changing trends and customer needs.

Our Brand Building Process (BBP) Ensures a Stress-Free Ordering Experience

Our Brand Building Process (BBP) is the key to a worry-free ordering experience. From the moment you submit your design, our team will work with you to bring your vision to life on the fabric. We will walk you through every step of the process and make sure that you are informed and happy with the end result.

Here’s an overview of our proprietary BBP:

Get Your Quote

Once you submit your project through our “Get Your Quote” process, you will receive a detailed estimate within 24 business hours.

Connect with your Scrappy Sales Rep

Once you receive your quote, you will be connected to a Scrappy sales rep to finalize your project details.

Approve Your Pre-Production Layout(s)

After payment, you will receive pre-production layouts to confirm your print size, location, private labeling, etc.

Sit Back And Relax

After approval, your order will be scheduled for production. Ground shipping is FREE to your doorstep… early, on time, never late!

It’s really that simple. We do all the legwork for you because we believe that ordering custom apparel should be an enjoyable and stress-free experience. We created our BBP with you in mind—because your satisfaction is our #1 priority.

We Offer Fast and Accurate Turnaround Times

We pride ourselves on our fast and accurate turnaround times, so you can rest assured that your orders will be fulfilled on time and to your exact specifications. No surprises, no delays, and no waiting—just speedy and accurate deliveries.

You’ll Never Outgrow Us

We have incredibly robust production capabilities. Seriously, no matter how large your order grows, you can count on us to deliver incredible custom apparel. Our top-of-the-line equipment and processes enable us to produce huge orders with incredible speed and accuracy. If you need a massive design printed on 10,000 garments, you can count on us to complete your order and deliver it to you on time, every single time.

Our Customer Service is Out of This World

Our team of experienced professionals is available to answer any questions you may have and provide you with the tools to ensure that your project runs smoothly. We take pride in being able to offer personalized support, quick response times, and friendly and knowledgeable staff that is always here to help. Whether you have a simple question or complex order requirements, we are dedicated to providing you with stellar customer service from start to finish.

We’re Your Partners in Success

When you work with Scrappy Apparel, we do more than just print your design. We become a partner in your success by offering valuable insight and advice along the way. Our experts will work with you to make sure each garment turns out exactly how you imagined it would.

Ready to Try The Monster Print?

At Scrappy Apparel, we’re committed to helping you make your vision a reality. Get in touch with our team today to get started on your custom apparel project.

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